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9 years ago
Perhaps my memory I'd failing, but I do not recall any softball fields within eyeshot of the lake from Foster north.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
SWEDE, unfortunately we were rained out (yes, it occasionally happens in San Diego) last Saturday. Will try again next.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
I'll give it a try this Saturday. Will advise.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
As did "rjmachon," we walked past the hotel on our way to Foster Beach and the apartments on our way to Ardmore Beach. From a kids's perspective whatever was inside the hotel seemed like a different world. We had no clue what/who may have been inside. BTW, directly across was a dinner house and a steak house. I believe the former was "Frank and Marie's" and the latter was &
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
With regard to pitting pennies, the best to pitch were the "lead" pennies struck during WW II. They were "dead" when they hit the concrete. What you know as stretch, I knew as "mumbley peg." I have no idea as to how to spell that, but I do recall someone getting stuck.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Aside from playing in the street in front of our house, there were always games to watch at Helen Pierce (grammar) school. I play softball 4-5 times a week now, but living in San Diego it's not with 16" balls and wood bats. Every once in a while I'll bring a Clincher to a game in hopes of spurring some interest. No luck yet.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
I thought I knew every place to race (legal or legal)in and around Chicago, Wisconsin and Indiana, but apparently not. Never heard of Halfday. Like to know more.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
My friends and I would take the L to Wrigley to arrive a few hours before a game. Memory serves there would be 20-30 kids there. We'd be taken inside to pick up the trash in the seating areas. A couple hours work would get us unreserved grandstand tickets for that day's game or for a future game. The face value of the unreserved seats back then (late 1950s) was $0.60. If we wanted to sit in t
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
I was 10 at the time and attending a small Catholic school on the North Side. Still remember watching the story unfold on the news that afternoon. The horror and tragedy of it has remained with me all these years. My son, now 20, attended a small Catholic school here in San Diego. I spoke of the OLA fire numerous times to the faculty and staff.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Calo Bowl, North Clark St, 5300 block, I believe. Anyone know the name of the alley on No. Broadway, 5200 maybe?
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Anyone recall the name of the Pontiac dealer on the NW corner of Broadway and Berwyn?
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
You are correct. Thanks or posting that link to SDC. I had intended to do so, but never got around to it.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Great site.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Anyone happen to have a picture of this Uptown/Edgewater eatery or maybe one of its many Jeeps they used for deliveries?
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
That was his name, right? The gorilla at Lincoln Park Zoo. Was he ceremoniously buried somewhere, cremated or maybe turned into mulch? Does the zoo still sell Bushman banks? They stood close to a foot tall and held one heck of a lot of coins.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
For those working in the tradeshow business at McCormick Place, Batt's was very popular. Not so popular, at least with the tradeshow crowd was Helen Maebelle's (sp) Soul Queen Cafe'. Memory serves, It was east of Batt's just where 22nd St. turned south before heading east over the Outer Drive.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
On the south side of Randolph between State and Dearborn there was "Treasure Chest." The front of the store was loaded with gag gifts/novelties and the back had quite a few arcade games.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
If you havent seen this (2 part) 20 minute video detailing the construction of Marina City, take a look see. It's very interesting. Oddly, and considering it was produced by Portland Cement, it doesn't say how many cubic yards of concrete were poured. If anyone knows...
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Hard to forget watching The Blob or Gorgo at the Uptown. BTW, I got mixed up w/regard to the Granada and the Nortown. It was the former I'd visit on occasion. BTW, a friend of mine, David Naylor, authored a book entitld "Great American Picture Palaces." In it he specifically references the Uptown.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Those were the days when my parents gave me $0.40 for a trip to the movies. $0.25 for admission (two movies) and $0.15 for an un-buttered popcorn. As you know Liz, it was usually meant walking to the Uptown or Riviera. Sometimes the Nortown at Devon and Broadway. I assume the theaters are still there, but closed?
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
You guys make me yearn for the 60's. I remember watching gassers racing on Illinois St.or was it Fulton (at Racine, I believe). Saturday nights at Skip's. And what about drooling at Mr. Norms? Owning a rare'66 Ram Air GTO, I was hot you-know-what until one of my buddies returned from Grand-Spaulding with his new 440 Dart. Before being drafted in '69 I raced at all the local tracks (Oswego, Lak
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
As kids we'd frequent the New Lawrence Hotel pool. It was probably the first indoor pool I'd been in. Memory serves, it was $0.50 to get in.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
glassgypsy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > In addition to all the things previously > mentioned, YES, there were indoor drag races > there. Believe it was twice, was in 1963, and Yes, > I raced there. Was like racing on ice, and the > ventilation was poor,lots of carbon monoxide. But > what the heck, it was winter, and some drag racing >
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
As kids we used to take the El downtown, go to the Prudential Building and try to run up to the top and back down before getting caught. I do believe at 40 (?) stories it was still the tallest building circa 1962.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Would someone please educate me on how to post pics here? Do I bracket an image URL with [ and ] ? I see an icon to post an image URL, but not sure what it does. Thank you.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
"Before McCormick Place was built, the International Amphitheater was THE exposition center for Chicago.My family attended most of them every year - the Flower Show and Garden Show, the Auto Show, the International Livestock Exposition, the rodeo and the International Kennel Club Dog Show." The McCormick Place fire of 1967 also sent a lot of tradeshows back to the Amphitheater as well
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
NW corner, Foster & Western
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Guess it could be almost anywhere. How about the SE corner of Webster & Sheffield, looking NNW?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
Anyone recall Meltzer's? Located just north of St. Ita Church, 5500 block of N. Broadway (don't think there's a S. Broadway) on the west side of the street.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I think Detroit, too.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
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