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Does anybody remember a promotion that Jewel ran in the late 60's called Let's Go To The Races. I don't remember any of the details. I believe you received some form of game card when shopping and then had to watch a program on Saturday night on WGN where they showed replays of a horse race.
I also remember in the early 60's they had a promotion where you would get a little plastic statue of a President. I think there may have also been some form of stand that look like stairs. I found out the feature was for seven weeks in 1964 where you were able to get a free President and the ability to purchase an additional four Presidents a week for a whopping 15 cents each.
Other promotions in the 60's were Super Bingo, Make Money and Royal Flush
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2011 07:50PM by Kchi.