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14 years ago
Did you guys see this image I posted on another thread? It may solve the address location issue. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
As for the Lost Subdivision, I have now found in a Trib Article from the mid 1870's, that a suburban subdivision boom was happening in anticipation of Belt lines being put in around the city. That surely is where the lost subdivision came from and it was probably "Hull's" Addition as I see he had other subdivision in the area. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
With this observation deck thing - I used Google Earth and literally elevated to the top of the Field Museum, and looked at Michigan Avenue using their new 3D building feature. Though surly some of those buildings in the background are gone, you'd think at least ONE of them would be there. However, I also examined the Field Museum roof and it is all peaked except a flat area on both sides of the
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I'm looking forward to the Auditorium info, but wasn't it on the west side of Michigan? Also - if you notice in that image, there is what appears to be a skylight next to the man. I E-mailed the webmaster of one of the Eden Ahbez dedicated sites, and he told me no it is not him. I think it looks like him however. If that guy was as mysterious as I read, then perhaps it is. I don't know i
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Did the Field Museum have an observation platform? I can't seem to find mention of one. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I looked for the old Ford City thread but it must have been one of the ones that got eaten a few months back. A friend who is cleaning out her photo album, and didn't know what this was, gave this image to me. I damned near fell out of the chair when I saw it.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I just received some old photos from a friend who comes from Chicago. These were in her photo album, but she does not know when, where, or of whom these pictures were from. Does anyone recognize these scenes? Any help would be appreciated. This image shows an old 5 and 10. The address for this ACME store seems to say 9137 for an address. Theater 1940 Mystery man in front of t
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Do you have any images of these places? Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I need some help. Is anyone here into the old Chicago movie industry? I know that there were western films shout out along the canal route in the towns of Mount Forest and Summit. I cannot say for sure whether this was done by Essany or Selig, or one of the less known movie houses. Every one of the film archive sites I write tell me they never heard of this, and ask me where I got my informati
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
15 years ago
Richard, Camp Kiwanis is still there, though I think the liberal progressives have forced the County to chase the Boy Scouts out. I don't think it is actively used as a camp any more. In fact I know it is not. As for younger people being unaware of some of the old sites, I understand what you are saying, that is why I went to Slim. He is right behind you at 72. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Richard, The Hall of 1000 Bargains, was a dance hall that had been there since before the 1950's. I was just up there a week ago. A funeral parlor bought out the old Hall of 100 Bargains and tore it down. The old hall was butted up right at the foot of the hill. I was up there because one of the owners of the funeral home stated there was a crypt sized "air shaft" up there, infer
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Richard, This is where you are causing me to short circuit. There is no restaurant on the south side of Archer 100 ft from Flavin. The first restaurant on the south side of Archer off the corner, which is across from the Willowbrook is the old Spaitis' grove (once was Dean Stump's, and now some Irish bar here recently). This is the two story restaurant. Between Spaitis' and Flavin are woods.
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Richard, I called Slim, and there is no-one still living in Willow Springs that knows the town better then him, and he said he does not ever remember a cemetery as you speak of in Willow Springs. He stated that he recalls that Rosary Hill in Justice may have had some small burial plot at some poit that was removed because of the construction of 294. Other that that, this one I can't help
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
How long ago? Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Richard, What was your reference on that? Something tells me there was a plot of gravestones on top of the hill in Fairmont Cemetery, but over by the NE fence that had a small fence around them at one time. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
I have not been following this board as I should be. I should say, the auto notify is not working I guess. Yes, the woman in white, and the usual stereotypical ghost stories are an instant red flag just as original Titanic items with "RMS Titanic" printed on them are. The Resurrection Mary story is another cooked up tale from the crypt. As for Indian Burial Grounds, I totally
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Richard, That does not ring any bells. It cerytainly would not have been anytime recent - as in the past 50 years. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
There were quite a few burial mounds in that area. The lands of the healing waters was supposed to be near the retention pond in the subdivision off the intersection you speak of. That information came double hear-say on a map transcribed by Tom Greenwood (deceased). Tom thought himself to be an Indian, of which I think he was a slight bit, however he learned how to be an Indian from Ray Douglas
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
I see the forum owners cleaned out many of the topics I was following including the very popular one on the "Midway Area". In any case, I found out where the "Lost Subdivision" came from in Clearing. I advised Bob Hill, and will perhaps expound on it here if anyone is interested. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
adgorn, Did Flickr provide you with the ... to cut and paste right off their site or did you create it? Some of those picture hosting sites don't allow direct posting to other sites. Photobucket is a good image posting source. They provide HTML code right there to copy and paste specifically for this purpose. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Yea that is correct to what the Tribune stated. Actually the Cicero book is a friend of mine's, and I'll get to read it when I get through the rest of my stuff. My grandparents lived in Cicero - worked at Western Electric etc... My grandfather worked at one time for the public works in the mid 30's. Right now I want to find out what happened to the swallows at Swallow Cliff. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Your right, Craig is wrong. I looked it up. I'll send him the Tribune article on the incident along with the images. You posted the image wrong somehow. Thjough it looks right. I cut and pasted the URL and put it in my browser to get it. I don't know why it didn't work. I use Photobucket. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Thanks for the photo and confirmation. I do seem to recall that place now that I see the whole thing. I look forward to your book. I did not read the whole Arcadia Cicero book. I did however call Craig Mestach who is the relative of the flyer and he stated that though his great uncle was a member of the Cicero flying club, the accident happened in Grant Park. Does that sound right to you? He h
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Cicero? Oh Good. This image is late 1930's Is this taken in Cicero? Arcadia already has a book called "Cicero Revisited" or something to that effect. Your's will be different then? What do you have on Mestach and his plane crash in Cicero Field?
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
I found this which shows the location site of the Grimes Sisters. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
No that is not correct. They were found on the North side of German Church Road along side the guard rail at that ravine I gave the coordinates of. This web site has the best and most accurate account of the Grimes murders I have seen. The ghost house is even mentioned. Bruce p.s. when I was on the Willow Springs Police force, the chief (if
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
That spot is a half block too far West. This is the exact location. On the north side of the road at the ravine that passes through there. 41°44'18.75"N 87°54'43.81"W
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
My friend and I were about 50 feet away form the front main windows. I guess this was a living room. We were just staring at the windows as we had recently arrived from inspecting the car in the open garage on the north side of the house, and this face swung out from the edge of the window into view from inside and looked right at us. The face however was like a ghoul - just a white oval patter
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Another historic structure that is not even really that old will vanish into the annuls of time. In this day and age, no one wants to spend the money to upgrade these old buildings. It is cheaper to build new. With all of the fire codes, ADA act, and other rules that don't seem to favor old buildings, there is really no hope. That is of course unless someone has some big bucks to save the stru
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Hi, Thanks for the response, and yes I agree. My sister in Law says she saw Mary, but again, I think there have been quite a few fake ghosts out there. The 12 year old Norkus thing is a dead end. The story printed in Ursula Bielski's book is not accurate. Part of it is, as her body was in fact put in storage at Resurrection for a time, and some of the other points that were addressed are fin
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