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13 years ago
If the guy thinks that's the case then he needs to take the "go to court" option and state his concern to the judge. The judge will probably uphold the ticket, but this being Cook County, he may get a judge who doesn't know the law and toss it. I've seen it happen personally. However the MWRD police do have jurisdiction in any municipality contingent to their property. Furthermore any
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
The MSD police have full police powers just like any other municipality. They have been around since the beginning of canal construction. Any route they need to take to areas of their jurisdiction falls within the contiguous jurisdiction rule. That includes Archer.
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13 years ago
It is incredible to hear of a house that remains vacant for so long. someone will always break in, and generally these houses always seem to get set on fire. Most villages these days would not stand for vacant property sitting around that long, especially if the lawn is not mowed. Someone must have owned that place. Who knows, there are all kinds of strange circumstances in the world. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
If you look in the image at the lower left hand corner of my montage you can see my swipe I did between years. You are correct on the house, and the pond seems to have been retained but redesigned for the new subdivision. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
You know, now that you mention it, I do remember llamas. Perhaps that was what stuck in my head, but I can't say for sure that it was the corner tract but it must have been. The lot across the street (on the other corner S/E) had horses too. In fact someone had cows down a bit further south on County Line road not that long ago. I bet that land was unincorporated until recently because I can't
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13 years ago
I went to grade school at Trinity Lutheran and that is what put me in close proximity of the vacant house. That white wooden fence was around the property of a family who owned horses and I can still remember seeing the horses in the 1970's. It was occupied in the 80's GCR and County Line it ain't. I sat in that stone grotto with my buddy hoping the owners of the place would see us. it was
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13 years ago
Ya, that's the wrong property. I assume the little outhouse type structure you speak of was that stone grotto in the back. It was a little smoke house. People still lived in that house when I was a kid. The white fence around the property was for their horses. The house I speak of was west of the ravine.
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13 years ago
That's the wrong house. Your speaking of the one on the corner of GCR and County Line. The "ghost" house was east of the crime scene. Everything is gone from it. Ill get an aerial photo showing it later. Bruce
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13 years ago
Hi, There is a subdivision there now, but I don't remember what it is called. None of those houses are built right on the site of that house, but on is close. One day of I get enough time, I'll go downtown and pull the plat book on that property to try and figure out what the story was with that house. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Mary, I guess there is not much need to really accurize the drawings I did. After all, there is really nothing to chase is there? I just drew what I remember. Most of the time that I was in there, I was later stumbling out :) I was curious about that hidden room in the basement however. The building was built late in the prohibition era, but still at the late end of it. What was served in
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14 years ago
Mary, I've been in the building many times, but not in the past 10 years. In the basement was a storage room. About 1/3 of the basement was taken up with this room built with plank boards. remember that? When I stepped through the doorway looking to the back end of the room it was noticeably shorter then when looking at the room from the outside. Stump pulled a board out of the west end o
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Mary, Thanks for clearing that stuff up first person. The WS Historical Society (Slim) was contacted before that horrible cable TV special ran with the ghost detectives, and he told them there was nothing there at Spaitis' Grove. Then I talked to the producer and re-enforced it. There is nothing in WS anymore that would be a good ghost story as anything that was even remotely interesting was
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14 years ago
Nate, Shuttered? I thought it just opened? Is it still under restoration? Joe's brother's daughter is married to a Mroch I believe, and that family has always been close to mine. I don't want to get too personal on a public forum, so let me just say glad to see you here. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I watched the whole special on the Stag's Head. The place wasn't built until 28 or 29. The BS that owner was throwing out was shameful. I was going to burn it on DVD and give it to my Willow Springs Historical Society friends but now that I saw the beginning - forget it. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I saw the second half of that and I'm glad to see they didn't follow up on the gangster thing with McErlane. I and I my friend from the historical society talked to the producer over a year ago on that (he is actually a Willow Springs resident. The brothel upstairs is likely in my opinion though my friend doesn't agree. Anything back then that had "hotel" or "Inn" over the doo
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I wonder who bought the fine wooden fittings from that old bar. The funeral home owner and I were speaking of it, and I forgot if she mentioned that it was sold off before the property changed hands. I remember responding to the old place on a number of occassions for burglaries when I was on the Willow Springs Police Force. Searching the prememsis allowed me the opportunity to see some of th
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I walked up behind the old Tarnow's grove just this last summer and there was nothing there, no sign of any graveyard, or an air shaft or any other anomaly. I asked two of the local historians, both men are natives and in their 70's and they both said no, there was no small grave plot back there. There is a continuous issue with the Spaitis's Grove and subsequent old Shady Tree Inn building (was
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I called my cousin yesterday and made mention of old family matters. He is a Mathie - old Palos/Sag Settlers, and he informed me that there is a graveyard much like what you describe off of Will Cook Road in Lemont near 83 and Archer. Apparently it is an old farmers/settlers graveyard up on the hill. It is overgrown now I am told and cannot be seen from the road. It was bought by the property
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I don't have the history of the town hall down real well. It is in the Hill book, but the town hall was the built for the offices of the Town of Stickney, which I guess held the Clearing Village offices too after incorporation. After Chicago took over Clearing, they locked the doors on that building and intended to move city people into it. They seemed to have forgotten that the buulding was the
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14 years ago
Richard, Well I guess I haven't mastered Google maps enough yet. My mistake. So what is the building you are interested in? The Town Hall, or some other building?
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
5722 W 63rd was the site of the original Stickney Township offices. It even says it on the facade. The township offices are in Burbank now. Bruce
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14 years ago
Oh I see her now. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Thanks :) Where is the little girl at in the photos above? I am missing it. In any case, the little girl you speak of is probably the mother or aunt of the lady who owns these pictures. I didn't post the other images from this series with the people sitting in the front lawn. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Just to update on the "Lost Subdivision" of Clearing. I found the taxes from 1881, and each of those lots owed 64 cents for the year. The subdivision was officially titled "Hall's Addition to Chicago being a subdivision of the E 1/2 of the SE 1/2 of Sec 18, T38, R13. The lots were owned by W S Hall, P E Stanley and G A Archibald. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Thanks, I checked the map and what is there now is certainly not the original building. In any case, I have the neighborhood. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I came across these images as an aside from the "Photo Identification" thread I started. I think these are easily enough identified, except for the business buildings in a more specific manner. As usual, I am all ears. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Here they are - slam dunk my friend, and I shot the jpg's off to the David Museum also. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Thanks! That answered the photo of the beatnik - it was the House of David. I checked the web site and the other images she recently gave me are of kids on those motorized cars. Bruce
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Those do look like rails and a stanction from as ship. Perhaps it is a excursion or sightseeing vessel. I am not familiar with New York. The issue I am having is that this woman is giving me photos from an album where there are other photos from the same setting that weren't given to me. For instance, the beatnick with the beard above - she finally gave me two photos from the same setting and
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
That's right, I got it wrong. There is another plat that shows Huld's, but I think it is Hall's. In the end, this guy is some real estate speculator that drew up a subdivision in the middle of nowhere with the anticipation of belt lines coming through. As I found, it was heavily discussed and probably carried out to some extent, it just did not reach this guy's tract until Stickney came about.
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