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9 years ago
I believe that the hospital referred to near China Town was Martha Washington, Archer Ave.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
The Branding Iron has been mentioned. It was in the Oak Lawn Bowl building, and the best ribs of anyone. Their donut holes were also excellent. After they closed, several restaurants claimed to serve "Branding Iron" ribs. The only one that I know of was the restaurant at 103rd and Southwest Highway ( I think) that is now something else. The little restaurant north of 103rd on Kedzie
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Chesdan's was on Archer and about Homan. Yes they had good pizza, but not as good as Nick and Vito.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Most of the police in either the old Fillmore or old Marquette districts, from the 50's and 60's, knew that the "Bucket of Blood" was a tavern actually names Burt and Frank's at 1570 So. Kedzie. It was known by that name far and wide for good reason
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I don't thnk anyone has mentioned the Hi-Way which, if memory serves me correctly, was at 63rd and Western. In later years it existed by showing XXX stuff.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Supposedly the original Southside St. Patrick's Day parade, that was held on 79th Street came from the patrons at Hanley's. Supposedly many of them decided, very late the night before, to go out and paint the stipe in the middle of the street green. They paraded, hungover, the next day, and the rest is history. This may be apocryphal, but I heard it from several people when Hanley's was still
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
The Amphitheatre began its long demise after a particularly incident of gang rape around Christmas of 1981. w Young females were beaten, stripped of clothing and raped by a conglomeration of gangbangers during a concert. A male was also stripped and beaten. After that incident it was unusual for thelace to have first class entertainers or show. It was finally torn down sometime in the '90's
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
I don't know about the rest of you that remember going to Riverview in its heyday, but when I look at a map of it now, it is astounding just how small it was. As a kid, inside the place it seemed to go on forever.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I believe the carhop drivein Scottsdale Guy is referring to was Richard's, also known as "Richard's drive in carfeteria," at least that is how the jingle went. It was across from Little Company of Mary Hopspital. I only have a vague memory of the Lorelai, but I remember Banana's very well. I saw on my last visit to Chicago that the Topnotch Burger place in the little strip mall at 95
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
gone2222-- Maybe you just happened to be there on a bad night. I was in Chicago last summer and the pizza from there was as good as ever.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
The place that I remember having the best ice cream and hot fudge was at 55th and Ashland, next to the Boulevard Movie Theater, later becoming the Boulevard Ballroom. To the best of my knowledge, the candy/ice cream shop had no name, at least there was no sign with a name, We simply called it "The Greek's." Since it was right next to the movie theater, maybe its official name was also
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
I believe that there was another of the milder coasters named the Greyhoundthat had partially covered cars that were made to resemble the Burlington Zephyr. Nothing compared to the Bobs anywhere.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
In addition to the yellow street light indicating a fire alarm or police call box, how many remember that a 3 foot or so white stripe near top of the poles indicated a bus or trolley stop.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I went to the dentist in the building at 79th and Ada, and would often visit the White Castle afterward. Wasn't the bar referred to wayupnorth Hanley's House of Happiness?
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
wayupnorth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi everyone, > > I grew up in the 1960's around 79th and Ashland in > St. Sabina's parish. It was a great place to live > and a great place to be a kid. The neighborhood > has changed greatly since then. As a result, I've > been trying to recall all the business that were > located between
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Hugh Manatee Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think the restaruant on 26th & Hamlin was Otto's I don't remember Otto's but there was a restaurant there called Little Village at around Hmlin. There was another a few blocks, maybe Central Park, which had a woman's name, but it escapes me.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Richard Stachowski Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I ran a hamberger/hot dog stand in the 50's at > 51st and wolcott. It was a trailer on the north > west corner. ASnybody remember it? In the 50's or so, did a guy namded Leo own that place, or have anything to do with it? I think his last name was Kohl.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Never made jet engines. The Wright Cyclone that was made there was a radial, piston engine for the B-29. Made by Dodge.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
11 years ago
Chipast Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't think the place was at 102 S.Cicero. It > was more like 5500-5900 S. That was near Midway Airport, across the street in fact, but the restaurant was at about Cicero and Quincy. There was a motel at 59th and Cicero called something like the airliner, and a few other business in the area of the airport th
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Charcoal Pit, home of the best ever combo, beef and sausage sandwiches, is no onger there. To the best of my recollection it closed in the mid-90's. Maybe a fire?
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
It was a pretty neat place to look at, but I don't remember the food being anything spetacular.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
One year , or maybe for several years, the second F on the sign was burned out, thus it read as FREE AIR. My stepfather thought it was hilarious since in reality that was all that was free at that event. It was Joe Meeegan's pet fundraiser though.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
rockislandfan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Englewood Union Station was at 63rd near La > Salle and Wentworth. Rode the Rock Island from > downstate from 1963 until the trains came off in > 1978. The station was a victim of arson in April > 1975. The Peoria and Quad City Rocket both made > positive stops outbound and stopped to dis
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
There was also an Ace Department store, I believe on the wouthwest corner, or just off the corner. L. Fish furniture was on 63rd, maybe at about Green. Some of the movie theaters were the Stratford and the Empress, and several others that I just cannor recall. I know I took accordian lessons at the Music Center around 65th and Halsted. It was a thriving shopping center that easily rivaled down
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Richard Stachowski Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Allerton Hotel? Anybody ever go to the bar on > top? The Tip, Top Tap? Many times.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Ronald Reagan, while President, was a visitor to Wozniak's in around 1989. He ate lunch there and then travelled to Wrigley Field where he sat in on the play by play for an inning or two. The whole thing was a well guarded secret until he actually arrived. There was a pretty good Italian restaurant around the corner also, called Febo's, Famous for Nothing.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Jim R. I too went to St. Basil, but long before you. I graduated from 8th grade there in 1955.That was before the Burger King and I am sure before Burger King was even in the planning stage. Everything on Ashland Ave. from 54th to 59th at least was of the mom an pop variety. The A & P was a chain and there was an auto parts store in the 5400 block that was part of sevel oened by the same p
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
11 years ago
The field at 83rd and Cicero was called Ashburn Airport. Until several years ao the hangar still stood on the site and had become a bowling alley I believe. That was torn down some years ago now.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Kostrubala was a Doctor or Dentist in the building on the northeast corner of 51 and Damen. There is a dentist by the name of Dostrubala now at 95th and Central. A son I think.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Jim R-Ido remember a dime store on Ashland, but wasn't it in the 5600 block I lived in the 5600 block, above Kloekner's Florist, and, although I do remember a dime store, I don't remember it being in the same block as me. Wasn't it maybe next to the A&P?
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
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