Re: Pizzarias
Posted by:
Date: January 10, 2013 08:04PM
Diogenes9561 Wrote:
> A couple of my HS buddies lived near Southport and
> Addison and we used to get pizza from Logalbo's,
> too, back in the day. Great thin crust pizza, good
> memories.
> Another great thin crust pizzeria was Riggio's on
> the west side of Western Avenue just north of
> Irving Park Road. It was a full service
> restaurant, too, and I remember seeing a few of
> the news and sports people from WGN TV dining
> there since WGN was not too far away. It was a
> really nice place and the pizza was memorable but
> the restaurant is gone and replaced with - what
> else? - condos. Sad.
> Gulliver's on Howard near California was my first
> deep dish many years ago and I believe, still in
> business even thought the short Italian looking
> gent who owned and managed it passed away some
> years back.
> Right now, I'm posting from a motel in Wheaton as
> my Mom passed away and being waked today but I'll
> have 1 day to visit the old North Center
> neighborhood and wander around a bit, hoping to
> have "real" pizza again unlike the stuff back in
> Orlando.
Those of you that still live in Chicago have no idea how much those of us,me anyway, miss the Chicago food. Here in Central Florida, Lake County, there is nothing to compare. The p[izza here is lousy, and mostly represantitive of New York. White Castle Hamburgers are non existant, there is a chain whose burgers resemble White Castle, called Krystal, but appearance is as far as it goes A couple of places were opened serving Chicago style hot dogs plus beef and sausage, one of which in Clermont was pretty good, they eveh had Gonella bread shipped in, but alas they all went broke. Even Chinese food is different, again New York style, and it just isn't the same.
Fortunately we manage to get to Chicago 1nce or twice each year, and also mange to gorge ourselves on Chicago food, including my personal Ricobene's breaded steaks.