Re: My New Website ( Craig's Lost Chicago )
Posted by:
Date: May 21, 2012 08:54PM
NOW, Oldies 104.3 WJMK was posted on that site, Or did I miss that?.
Also WFYR, Walker Bros Dept.Store/Ace Hardware Oak Park, Tad's Steaks, King Fong on W.North Av in Oak Park, Berwyn Theatre, Lamar Theatre (Oak Park), Acorn On Oak, Bagel Nosh, La Choza, Kars Variety Store, Kee Department Store, Alpine Market, Braverman's, Oak Tree on Oak nr Rush, Papa Milano's, Treasure Chest, The out-of-town newspaper stands on W.Randolph & W.Jackson, Bennigan's, Mrs.Murphy's in Norridge, Morrow's Nut House, Stop & Shop, Will Rogers Theatre, Belmont Bowl, Bel-Bowl, Marzano's Bowling Lanes, Trader Vic's. Toot's Drive-Thru, Hastee Tastee Dog and the list goes on, Would be excellent additions. More will be posted when thought up or about.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2012 08:57PM by Chipast.