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There have been a couple of recent posts about WW II memorials and a tank, which brings to mind the disappearing veterans organization buildings. Many of these neighborhood posts were founded after WWI and WWII which gave returning veterans a venue for community service and a social outlet with other veterans. This was a time when people typically never moved far from where they were born annd many of the people did not own cars, and most of any social activity revolved around the neighborhood churches and veteran organizations. In my many driving vacations through smaller towns it is always great to see that some of these orgaizations as well as Elk,Moose Eagles etc. still exists.
I welcome people to identify the names and locations of these organizations that may have been in your neighborhood. It brings back fond memories of parades,picnics,dances and Christmas parties as well as sponsorship of scouts ad Little League. Things that many people don't have time for anymore.
Several that I remember were Portage Park American Legion on Belmont, FDR on Cortland and Lafayette on Leavitt.