Got one more for you that I found the other day -- 48th and Kedzie. Its now an auto repair shop and amateur boxing school (you can find it in StreetView). This site was replaced by the "Elsdon Postoffice" on 47th and Troy.
Posted by:
Date: March 13, 2008 07:12PM
Whoa -- that stucco (or whatever) re-fronting is awful, I guess thats why we probably never noticed it used to be a post office. Thanks though -- we'll add it to the page in a future update, along with some others we know of.
It doesn't fit into the scope of the article, but in Des Plaines there's a house that originally was the general store and post office for what was then Orchard Place. The house still belongs to the family, and they have the old postage cancelling stamps including an air mail stamp which has the ORD (Orchard Place Airport) designator.
They still ran the airfield's post office until the Douglas plant was built during the war.
Posted by:
Date: March 27, 2008 06:47PM
Hmm... thats pretty damn cool. It could possibly be included in the article or in a future article; we're including the whole metro region in the site, not just the city.
We only recently got a picture of the 18th street post office. Buildings on the south side of the street are by far and away the toughest to photograph.
There used to be a post office between 64th and 65th S. Central Avenue, not sure of the original address but the building is 6425 S. Central now, you can see it on Street View. This was replaced by the Clearing Post Office on Archer and Laramie or thereabouts.
Prior to 1970 there was a PO at what is the today the site of an international grocery 2636 W. Devon Ave. Street views reveal that the facade along Devon has been completely re-bricked, but on the Talman Ave side the original loading docks remain in place.
Elmwood Park and the Mont Clare/Galewoods area of chicago have always shared a post office (and zip code). Since 1964, the post office has been in Elmwood Park, but before that, it was located in Chicago.
The building is still there and is now a restaurant located on Harlem Ave. maybe a block or so north of Grand (near Altgeld, I recall). My dad used to work there.
You can still see windows with bars on 'em on the side of the building.
i wish i could find more information about the p.o. that was on cicero across from Ford City mall in the early 70's. it was primarily surrounded by woods there, and was right before that little feeder bridge that crossed over cicero. as far back as i can remember, the building was in disuse but was an awesome piece of blue tile art-deco architecture. would that have been the old bedford park p.o.? anyone know of any photos in existence? i'm 41 and NO ONE seems to remember this post office but me.
Crow, I definitely remember the post office building that you described. I don't think though that it was an actual PO open to the public. I could be wrong, but never saw it as open to the public. It seemed that it was more of a drop-off/pick-up stop (for lack of a better term) I remember seeing the PO trucks parked outside in the adjoining lot. Truthfully though, I can't remember what the building looked like and I'm a bit older than you! Probably, I just really didn't pay that close attention.
Bwalsh, you're right, I think it was a processing facility. If I recall correctly, it was light blue tile with darker blue trim. it is visible on at least from the 1972 date. at least someone else remembers it besides me!
On 103rd street, just east of Vincennes, across from Julian HS, there was a post office right by Brennan's Meat Market. The building was many things, now abandonded, it still say's United States Post Office across the top. That's where we all got our social security cards and went to read the wanted posters.
I really liked the 'satellite' post offices that used to be appended to other types of stores, i.e. a drugstore could also have bona-fide postal services, like weighing packages for dispatch, getting forms, making postal money orders, etc (besides just buying stamps). But the USPS seems to've phased this practice out back about a dozen years. A bad move as far as I'm concerned. I say 'seems' though because I'm aware of a new one of this type that opened in Chicago a few years ago.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2015 12:30PM by the_mogra.
The Dunning Post Office has been at its current location forever. I have seen pictures of the building at that location going back to the 1880's and the post office was there. It appears to have been a frame building at that time. When I was young, back in the 1950s, the post office was much smaller, and a grey stone front building. That building was remodeled and expanded maybe back in the 1960s to its current configuration. A few years ago the post office bought the funeral home to the west and knocked the building down for more parking. Kind of a shame, because I knew the funeral director well and could park in his lot when visiting the post office. Now its fenced off and you have to try and find somewhere to park on the street.
In regards to satellite post offices, the Rosemont Post Office, at 9507 W. Higgins, is really a satellite of the Des Plaines Post office. They share the same zip code. It offers most services but is only open Monday-Friday. It's just staffed with one lady, Kathy, who is a sweetheart there. I keep a PO Box there mainly because its impossible to park anywhere near the Dunning PO.