Posted by:
Berwyn Frank
I took a ride through North Lawndale this afternoon on my way back from downtown. Very very sad. It literally gets worse every time I drive through there. I am particularly sad because as I mentioned in the very first post of this thread that I am really fascinated with the corner stores that were on pretty much every corner in the neighborhood, particularly in the "Merigold" part of the neighborhood I cover in the first post. I was planning (like six months ago, yeah I know it's my fault.) to photographically document two special ones on the NW (1358) and SE (1401) corners of 14th & Komensky.,-95.677068&sspn=63.215425,134.912109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1400+S+Karlov+Ave,+Chicago,+Cook,+Illinois+60623&ll=41.866061,-87.727847&spn=0,0.016469&z=17&layer=c&cbll=41.862527,-87.726263&panoid=ikH34KmWVelo5xCuITgDEA&cbp=12,307.94,,0,-9.78,-95.677068&sspn=63.215425,134.912109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1400+S+Karlov+Ave,+Chicago,+Cook,+Illinois+60623&ll=41.866061,-87.727847&spn=0,0.016469&z=17&layer=c&cbll=41.862527,-87.726263&panoid=ikH34KmWVelo5xCuITgDEA&cbp=12,146.41,,0,-6.37
They were both really great examples of late 19th century Chicago neighborhood stores and the one at 1358 S. Komensky even had a barn in the rear that was haphazardly converted into a garage eons ago. Check it out by maneuvering through google maps. When I drove by this afternoon they were both razed. One had been razed for at least a few months and the other was in the final stages of being razed as it was a huge hole in the ground surrounded by fencing. These examples were both abandoned and in very bad shape so no one was willing to bring them back to life in such a depressed and extremely impoverished neighborhood.
Like I mentioned before, there is only about half remaining of what was originally in this neighborhood and after the results of this recession there is going to be half left of the half. SO MANY properties in North Lawndale are boarded up and in some stage of the final days of their useful lives. For people like us, it is a sad thing to see.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2010 01:05PM by Berwyn Frank.