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9 years ago
9 years ago
The Baily Bank and Loan
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
Anyone remember the "Super Transfer"? It was offered on Sundays at some point back in the late 70's (maybe early 80's) and with it you could ride any and all of the CTA for the entire 24 hours. There was a newspaper guy who bought one at midnight and tried to see how much of the system he could cover before it expired. I don't recall what that amounted to, but it made a great fluff story
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
Who remembers the Noxema shave cream commercial?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
SWEDE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Back in the 50's the barbers used a hair product > that was actually called Lanolin Encriched made by > a company called Winarick and your right it gave > you the plastered down look. --I started going to my barber when I was 10 years old in 1968 (when he could barely speak English). He retired just over a y
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
SWEDE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > All you Do Wops out there must remember Brylcream > ( A little dab will do ya)or Vo 5. It kept our > wops in place. LOL --I started life using my dad's brand: By the time I was in the third grade I switched to what the other guys were using: (No more of that greasy kid stuff!) Then the nightmer
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Dunning1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Going through my dad's stuff in the > basement, I found an old one pound coffee can full > of nuts and bolts from Hixon's Coffee. Never been > able to find out anything about this company.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
I got ya all beat. My parents had ten kids. We lived in a two bedroom apt until the sixth baby was born and then we moved into a four bedroom house a few blocks away. By the time there were twelve of us living there, some of my brothers and I were bunking in the unfinished attic which was frigid in the winter and hellish in the summer. My older brother eventually moved into the unfinished basement
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
--I grew up in a large family so we didn't go on vacation unless it cost next to nothing. I had some cousins that moved to South Bend when I was about seven. we'd drive down and spend Thanksgiving weekend with them every year until they moved to St. Louis. Then we'd go and spend three or four days with them in the summer. My favorite part of it was the highway culture along Rte. 66 (just as it was
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
Ya know my favorite Canfields product was something called Cherry Ola-Cola It was the Canfield's equivalent of Cherry Coke only much "Cherry-er" in my opinion. Another Canfield's classic was 50/50 (Do they still make it?) It was Canfield's answer to Coca-cola's Fresca and RC's Squirt. As Bob Bakus used to say in the late '70's - "Storekeeper - Canfield's for everyone!"
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
SWEDE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How about Jiffy Pop Popcorn. Jiffy Pop! Jiffy Pop! The magic treat. As much fun to make as it is to eat.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
It looks like you're right about the fate of this place. I'd like to help out establishing a new spot but unfortunately, I know little to nothing about that sort of thing. You can count on me a as a regular participant though - probably more regular than I am here if the forum proves to be more user friendly than this one is. I've always resented the fact that photos are so difficult to post here
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
SWEDE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >How about pitching > pennys, nickles, quarters to make some money to > buy candy. --When I delivered the Daily News in the afternoons, we used to pitch pennies out behind the news agency while we waited for the truck with the final edition ('red streak') to arrive from downtown. We were a bit wary of cops who mad
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
rjmachon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I remember a Davidson's Bakery on Devon Ave. This > was one of the bakeries of the chain of them! --rj, I remember a Davidson's on Thorndale and one on Granville. I don't really recall one on Devon. Do your remember where it was at approximately?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Richard Stachowski Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you all talking about houses built on the back > of the lot? There are houses all over like that so > it's not odd to see it. I lived in one myself. --Prof. Perry Duis at UIC once explained to me that the phenomenon was not a matter of houses being built on the back of those lots, but rather hou
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
9 years ago
I remember a notorious Ford Pinto recall a bit earlier in the 70's. It seems they were spontaneously catching fire. It was part of Johnny's monologue almost every night for awhile. I seem to remember a popular "What's this?" type of joke involving a Bic lighter but I don't recall exactly how it goes.
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
SWEDE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > In the 50's I went to St.Michaels at 48th & Damen --Would that be St. Michael the Archangel?
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
9 years ago
Okay, I just reported about ten spam posts and it took all of three minutes. If anyone isn't familiar with how to do this, just click on the "Report" link at the bottom of the offending post (in the row tittled Options) and leave a message in the box. I wrote "Please remove these robots" then copied and pasted it on nine other reports. It'll probably pay off if everyone takes a
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
Then there was this stuff: It was short-lived (for obvious reasons I guess) and I only remember it because in the commercials the voice of the cow on the envelope was that of Frank Fontaine, the fair-voiced baritone who played the drunken lush who visited Joe the Bartender on the Jackie Gleason Show.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Speaking of Kool-Aid knockoffs, does anyone remember Wylers? I think they actually gave Kool-Aid a run for their money in the late 60's and into the 70's.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
b.a.hoarder Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer! > BTW, I used to frequent a bar many years ago and > they had one of my favorite signs there, printed > in Polish, Nie mam Schlitza, nie mam piwa! I don't > speak Polish, but the message was clear. --A friend of mine grew up near Stevens Point in the
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
chicagorootsgal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You know you're from Chicago when the first > thought that came to mind were the radical > Weathermen from the 60's... --Yep.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
You can by Chicago vehicle stickers at those places two. I still use them to get something notarised when I need to.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Popular lore has always said that Lane Tech is the largest.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Bob Knack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My favorites were the original MANZO at Irving > Park Road, east of Kedzie --I never had the pizza at Manzo but my wife and I went there several times a year when it was open. My favorite on the menu was the Mussels Marinara.
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
The Fire House in my neighborhood was Engine Co #70 on Rosemont Ave. just off of Clark St. It closed down about 8 years ago when the CFD constructed a huge modern facility a few blocks south on Clark. The old House was bought by a private entrepreneur who styled it up and now rents it out for events.
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
Burny Brothers bakeries! They made great coffee cakes and pastries. I don't really remember any of their free-standing bakeries, but Jewel always stocked Burny Bros. products in their stores. They never went coast to coast and I believed they were swallowed whole by Entenmann's when they blew into town around the late 70's.
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
Affy Tapples! Apparently they've gone nation wide in recent years but the Affy Tapple company claims to have invented caramel-coated apples right here in 1948. When we were kids in the 60's, they seemed to be only around in the Fall. They used to sell them at school for fundraising (you had to order them in advance).You could also find them in local drugstores which would keep them in a tray near
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
the_mogra Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > yes, Elmdale & Broadway, where I end up going to > Moody's --Where a good time is usually had by all! the_mogra Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > so a driver can begin @ Elmdale and merely follow > the natural course of the roadway they're on going > west, and
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
the_mogra Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > one point about peterson & caldwell I forgot till > now - peterson is east-west (west as address > numbered) while caldwell is north-south (north as > address numbered). technically. so if you've all > been posting your letters to 6235 w. caldwell for > example, well now you know why they neve
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
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