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10 years ago
North and Ogden?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
I've picked up and set out metra coaches in some odd spots for interchange, maybe that was it.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
The Bloomingdale is used as a wye to 'spin' cars.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
Just a funny asside about the gangster tours. For years I lived 2 houses over from a VERY well known guy, his family still owned and lived in the house. One summer, on a daily basis, a tour bus pulled up and made a bunch of noise in front of this house. This didn't sit well with the family, they would go out and yell at the driver and swear that they would get rid of the tour. After 2 weeks, th
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
Just as an asside, for an interesting listen and look, goto youtube and enjoy "Cavaliers drumline". It's neeto.
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
I'm sure that you already know this, but, the Mayfair train station is right there just south of Montrose. I can't find the spot that you mentioned, but a pedestrian tunnel maybe?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
and a couple of miles straight north of here is otis elementery.
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
just a couple of years ago the rail viaduct that went over 16th and into the building was removed. to bad, it was pretty interesting.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Bloomingdale is still used, a little. Cp stages and stores cars for Newlywed Bakery just to the east of the A5 tower, and Metra stores rock cars here too. Nothing goes much east of the old interlocking, there is no longer any work do be done and the track is awful. Cragin Junction is the northern edge of the Belt r.r., it is mp 0.0 on that r.r. CP Hogger
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
There is no CN rail here. The CP rail is scheduled to be on a bridge in 2013, this is r.r. time, so look for it in 2015. If you park at Victory Auto and look north you can see parts of the bridge to be used.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
That railroad was the MJ. The Manufacturers Junction was quite large in it's time, but last year when Permian Basin pulled the pin on them, they were just a small shadow of it's former self. No mains. No junction. Only a few small switch jobs left. I think that CSX serves the indutries around there now.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
In Franks picture we see, in addition to the tank, a liquor store parking lot, this is now an Armanetti's Liquors. And the small diner on the left, this was last Finikies, but it was flattened for a condo that was never built in the early 90's.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
UP is on the flyover, CP crosses at grade. The UP xing was changed to a flyover when the tracks were moved for the ORD expansion. The CP tracks were not in the way, so not moved or updated, and no plans to do so. Irving gets blocked more and more as trains into the B-ville yard are getting longer and longer, and yard speed is only 10mph. Cheers! CP Hogger
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
There are still railroad tracks, paved over in spots, right at that location. So nothing in reality could have been built there. If you find yourself looking around here again, notice the stranded rail cars just north of this location behind a couple of old factories.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
daveg, Couldn't tell you about volume 30 years ago, but it isn't much different from 12 years ago. That's as far as my personal knowledge goes back. Seasonal swings, economic ups and downs, and who interchanges with who come and go, but overall I would say about the same. As far as rail served local work, there was never all that much to begin with. Of the thousands of cars procesed each da
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
11 years ago
I bring trains into and out of BRC Clearing almost every day, so feel free to send BRC Clearing questions my way.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
12 years ago
I struck out with but it might still be of use to you for other searches.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
What you saw was a Metra gang setting off for the night. Doing work with CP for the last couple of weeks, and for a few weeks to come. Gangs set off anyplace that is safe and easy to do so, and unused spurs and sidings are ideal.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
12 years ago
I deliver trains to a yard at 95th & Commercial, and this yard has work trains that spot and pull some of the remaining local enterprises. It might have been an IHB switcher that you saw, the lines still connect.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
12 years ago
1418 w fulton is a 6 bed 5 bath home. listing here;
Forum: General Discussion
12 years ago
There were several small yards off of the Bloomingdale line, the one mentioned, one east of California, and one at Damen (Robey) to the south of the line. The Robey yard still has plenty of bits remaining too! A few pasenger stations, I recall 2 or 3, are still evident too. CP still uses about a mile of the Bloomingdale three days each week to switch thier last industry in the area, and Metra s
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
I have lived on the 2000 block of Ohio for quite a long time, and I do remember that building, but I never saw anything going on there. An old timer told me that years ago it was used as a beverage distributor. Currently the north half of that property (facing Chicago) is being turned into,... wait for it,... condos!
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
222, Those tracks are still owned by the Canadian Pacific. Even when they are left to fall apart they remain property of thier former road unless sold. Several years back the Tribune co. got a big bill from the C.P. for building a small parking lot at Wrigley Field on C.P. right of way.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
That old right of way used to be a main line from out west someplace (Joliet maybe) all of the way downtown. I used to work in a Santa Fe yard just north of those tracks and an old timer told me about them.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
Berwyn Frank, That place you stood in front of to grab a brick and a pic on Loomis is a prop house. I worked here years ago, props rented here have been in just about every video, movie and tv show shot in Chicago for years. Did you find yourself around here to shoot the Wrigley plant?
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
It is just to the south of Smith Park Pool. I walked right past it 04jun11.
Forum: General Discussion
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