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9 years ago
Elf Odin
Northcenter Bowl was a second-floor alley. It was in the triangle between Lincoln Avenue and Damen Avenue, north of Irving Park Road, about the center of the block (the building is still there). The entrance was on the Lincoln Avenue side.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
Elf Odin
I've spent the past week driving into the city, going east on Touhy to reach Loyola University. At 2210, there's a store named "Ed & Irv's"; does anyone have information on this place? It's closed; and from the signs that are posted, closed after 65 years. It looks to be more of a butcher shop than a corner grocery, though.
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
Elf Odin
I can’t remember its name, but I used to visit a shop in Lakeview. It was on the west side of Greenview, a couple of doors south of Barry. The building is still there. My uncle lived in the next house to the south. That house is long gone, though, replaced by townhouses.
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
Elf Odin
I can’t remember the address, but the Crime Story production offices were near the Loop (I’m thinking on Ohio Street, or somewhere nearby) on the near West Side. I was installing telephones then, and did some work there in early ’86, when they were setting up.
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
Elf Odin
St. Benedict had TVs in the classrooms in 1963; I remember the JFK assassination, when every set in the building was tuned into the news. Some of the TVs were wall-mounted (or hanging from the ceiling, I don’t recall which) and some were on rollaround carts. In 7th grade (1966), the lunchtime show was Bozo’s Circus.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Elf Odin
Mr Downtown Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The tunnels don't have to be snowplowed most > years. But they need to be drained periodically, in years ending in “92”. :)
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Elf Odin
My school's been closed for years; might even be gone by now. St. Bonaventure, at Diversey and Paulina.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Elf Odin
And the Northcenter, on Lincoln between Irving Park and Belle Plaine; replaced by High-Low Foods #5 in 1969, now an Osco Drug.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Elf Odin
"Roney", not "Roaney"; as in "Roney's Ice Cream", the store brand. I worked at store #5, at Lincoln and Belle Plaine, from 1970 to 1975. I left in June 1975, shortly after Retail Clerks International managed to become the employees union, replacing the company union that we previously enjoyed. Once RCI took over, my formerly 35+ hours per week of part-time dropped
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Elf Odin
I attended St. Benedict grade school (3900 N. Leavitt) in the '60s. There was a Burkhardt Funeral Home on the southeast corner of Leavitt and Irving Park, across from the church. And I think that one of my classmates was a (Joseph?) Colosimo.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Elf Odin
There are still a few around. Up north, there's one on Rollins Road at Washington Street in Ingleside (just south of Fox Lake), and on US 12 at Golden Hawk Road, north of IL 173 in Richmond. There is also a former Dog 'n Suds on IL 120 (Elm Street) on the east side of McHenry; but it closed over twenty years ago and has been a used car lot for just about that long. The Dog 'n Suds sign is stil
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Elf Odin
I lived there around that time (my house was where the Pier One store now sits), but I don't recall the office. It wouldn't have been on George, which is all residential; and the southeast corner of Wellington had a locksmith and a truck garage, and as far as I recall was residential east of there. But your subject says "Belmont & Wolcott", which would be about a half-mile northwe
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Elf Odin
Interesting, because the Plan of Re-numbering mentions only "North Elizabeth St.".
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Elf Odin
From William Martin's "Chicago Street Renaming": -Cook St., vacated (Bridgeport) -Cook St., Hollywood Ave., 1600 to 1750W -Cook St., Waveland Ave., 2850 to 3000W. -Cook St., Carpenter St., 5000 to 5100S. -Cook St., 1300W 4150 to 4600S. -Cook St., Rock St., -Cook St., vacated 440N 450 to 599W. -Cook St., 440E 4124 to 4299S. -Cook St., California Ave. 1500 to 1600S. -Cook St.,
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Elf Odin
Thank you, all! > The Museum’s street name changes document Now that's what I'm looking for! I already knew that I once lived on a renamed Robey St. The reason for my interest in the area around the 1893 Exposition is that I've read a novel, "World's Greatest Sleuth!", that takes place in and around the White City area. There was a mention of a "Sheridan", and I t
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Elf Odin
I'm familiar with the c.1909 street renumbering (I've got a PDF of a book listing the old/new house numbering), but where can I find a list of all of the streets that have been renamed? I'm particularly interested in the north/south streets along Midway Plaisance, after the 1983 Columbian Exposition. The maps which I've seen (mostly at the Encyclopedia of Chicago) have names that have been obvi
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Elf Odin
I remember having a few Green Rivers from the soda fountain at Meyer Drug, on the southeast corner of Ashland and Melrose. A long-gone establishment, of course. :(
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Elf Odin
Johnny Sauganash Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > In Lincoln Square and North Center: > > On Lincoln between Belle Plaine and Warner, west > side of the street, a National grocery store. Not supermarkets, but: to the south of the National was Evergreen, a head shop of sorts (at least in the late '60s). And on the northwest corner of Belle Plai
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Elf Odin
I remember that restaurant. Turquoise sign with white neon, I think; can't remember the name, though. Just north of it was a menswear shop ("Jack's"?) From '63 til '75, I lived on the east side of Damen, between Warner and Berteau; there's now a block of condos where my house was.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
15 years ago
Elf Odin
There was a Wimpy's on the east side of Ashland, two or three doors north of the corner of School. It disappeared sometime in the late '60s, I think. Slightly related: back then, the building on the northeast corner of Ashland and School was once a Western Auto. That entire block is now nothing like it was then. -- EO
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Elf Odin
Corner grocery stores that I remember: L&N, on the southwest corner of Wolfram and Greenview; Geldmeyer's, on the northwest corner of Wolcott and Warner; a name that I can't remember, on the southwest corner of Byron and Oakley; and on the northwest corner of Leavitt and Belle Plaine. The was a Del Farm on the Lincoln/Leavitt/Sunnyside triangle, across from Welles Park: that's the current l
Forum: General Discussion
15 years ago
Elf Odin
There was a Bulko on the southwest corner of Ashland and Wellington. From 1959 until 1963, I lived just down the street at 2858 North Ashland (my house was on the spot that is now occupied by the Pier One). On a slightly related topic, the Jewel/Osco on that block used to be on the west end of the next block north, in Appleton Plaza. And that Plaza used to be a city park with two ball fields, u
Forum: General Discussion
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