39 E. Madison Street, Chicago

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39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 15, 2011 01:28PM

Still doing some research on the National Crystal Company, which was owned by my grandfather, Kenneth M. Gyger, from about 1934-1960. Where would be a good place to start in locating a business license for the company, Cook County Clerk?

I've got an address of 39 E. Madison Street in Chicago and I'm trying to figure out if this was a residence or business location. On a Will, this address was given as the "residence" location for 3 people.

Thanks for any and all help.

Larry Gyger

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: PKDickman ()
Date: March 15, 2011 02:33PM

Are you sure that it wasn't 29 E Madison (aka the Heyworth building). That building is one of the jewelery centers in Chicago.
I think 39 E. is in the middle of Wabash Ave.

It is a 19 story building designed by Daniel Burnham

There used to be a Nat'l Crystal that we used for watch crystals. I think that they were at 29 E. But they might have been at the Pittsfield building or the Mahlers building.

I am pretty sure that it is all offices.

Paul K. Dickman

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: Rustymuscle ()
Date: March 15, 2011 03:19PM

1951 directory shows National Crystal at 29 E Madison, phone number was FR 2-5082. They are listed as jewelers supplies.

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 16, 2011 12:27AM

I had 2 addresses - 29 and 39. Okay, so I flipped a coin and took the wrong one. :(

If it's National Crystal, that's the one I want. My grandfather, Kenneth Gyger, and his two brothers, Laurence and Charles Robert, owned/ran the company. I have found some pictures of the Heyworth Building and have also found a watchmaker's tin from the National Crystal Co. - what a find!!!!

You say you dealt with them, Mr. Dickman? Outstanding! Anything interesting you can tell me about the place? Heck, anything - it doesn't even have to be interesting - would be great.

I never knew any of the people I mentioned. For whatever reason, my father didn't want his father and me getting together. This year is the 25th year of Kenneth's death. Just trying to get some feel of what the man was like, what he did, etc.

Thanks for your earlier replies, guys. I was shocked to see something so soon.

Larry Gyger

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2011 11:59AM by DaGrinch.

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: Rustymuscle ()
Date: March 16, 2011 12:24PM

1951 Chicago directory shows Charles Robert at 5545 N. Magnolia, phone number was ED 4-6563

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 16, 2011 09:21PM

Really? 1951? Charles Robert died in 1948. Hmmm. Wonder if his widow stayed in Chicago that long. I've got her obit, she died in 1992 in Princeton, Bureau County - out abt 125 miles west of Chicago on I-80. Maybe one of the brothers took over the place.

Anything on Kenneth M. or Laurence D.? I believe I read something the other day that Kenneth lived in Oak Park. I know their mother lived in Berwyn when she died in 1954 or 1956.

I really am appreciating this information. This is the most information I've received on these guys in my entire life!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2011 09:27PM by DaGrinch.

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: PKDickman ()
Date: March 16, 2011 10:28PM

DaGrinch Wrote:

> You say you dealt with them, Mr. Dickman?
> Outstanding! Anything interesting you can tell me
> about the place? Heck, anything - it doesn't even
> have to be interesting - would be great.

This would have been in the eighties so your family had probably sold the operation. It may have been sold more than once.

The best I can recall is that it was just a small office with a lot of drawers.
At that time I was working full time as a bench jeweler for a shop in the suburbs.
We usually shipped our stuff downtown with a courier service. I probably was only in the place a half a dozen times.

They fit crystals in to watches and would cut oddball shaped ones.

My 2005 phone book shows the number but no address. 312 372-5082

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 16, 2011 10:56PM

Yes, you're right. If you were there in the 80's, it sure wasn't my relations! Charles Robert Gyger died in '48 and Kenneth and Laurence headed to Sun City. AZ in 1960.

In the earlier post, RustyMuscle gave Charles Robert's address in the 1951 Directory. I checked his widow's obit and it stated she moved back to Princeton (That's where all of my Gygers are from) sometime in 1951.

I just Googled the phone number . It's listed to Natl Crystal Company. Yeah, I'll have to call that and see if there's some history to be learned.

Again, thanks for the info!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2011 11:00PM by DaGrinch.

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: Rustymuscle ()
Date: March 16, 2011 11:50PM

1958-1959 Suburban phone directory (north and west regions) shows a John Gyger in Libertyville, a KM Gyger in Elmhurst and a Laurence D at 500 Edgewood Place in River Forest. Phone number is FO 9-6292

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 17, 2011 12:07AM

Okay.... Have no idea who the John Gyger might be. I recognize the other two, though!

Thanks for the info!

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 17, 2011 01:26PM

I called the 312-372-5082 number and it has been disconnected.

I also sent Marc Realty an email this morning. Evidently, they are the property managers, if not the owners, of the Heyworth Building. I asked if they had any idea where I could get some history on tenants of the building.

Thanks to everyone for all your help in piecing together a little bit of my family history. I am eternally grateful. God Bless each of you.

Larry Gyger

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: MIKETOUHY ()
Date: March 17, 2011 08:38PM

DaGrinch Wrote:
> I had 2 addresses - 29 and 39. Okay, so I flipped
> a coin and took the wrong one. :(
> If it's National Crystal, that's the one I want.
> My grandfather, Kenneth Gyger, and his two
> brothers, Laurence and Charles Robert, owned/ran
> the company. I have found some pictures of the
> Heyworth Building and have also found a
> watchmaker's tin from the National Crystal Co. -
> what a find!!!!
> You say you dealt with them, Mr. Dickman?
> Outstanding! Anything interesting you can tell me
> about the place? Heck, anything - it doesn't even
> have to be interesting - would be great.
> I never knew any of the people I mentioned. For
> whatever reason, my father didn't want his father
> and me getting together.
Is your Dad still around and if so he hasn't said why to this day?

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Re: 39 E. Madison Street, Chicago
Posted by: DaGrinch ()
Date: March 17, 2011 09:28PM

Dad died 6 years ago. His parents divorced when he was REAL small. He saw his father when he was about 18, when dad was heading for Germany just after WWII. He didn't see his father again until 1980. My father & grandfather had a decent relationship from 1980-1986 when my grandfather died. My father told me in 1987, after some prodding by me, that my sister and I were never brought up in the conversation during that 6 year period. When my father was in the hospital in 1982 and I spent a week at my parents, I was told not to answer the phone. Mom expected a call from Kenneth. When I asked why I shouldn't answer the phone, I never got a plausible answer. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I met my step-grandmother, Kenneth's 2nd wife. She's still living, is 98 years old, is sharp as a tack, but doesn't want to discuss the past. I am left trying to piece things together. That's okay... I retired from my profession a year ago (after 35 1/2 years) and now have some time to do the research.

To this day, I have no idea why my sister and I were left out of the loop. Nice, dysfunctional family, huh?

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