Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?

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Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: CrazyIvan25 ()
Date: January 29, 2011 02:03PM

I've noticed this many times driving down it, and its always puzzled me as to why it's so wide here. It almost looks like a failed main street like Montrose. I have heard once that supposedly many many years ago, there used to be railroad tracks down this street. My brother overheard this during the Jefferson Park block party, or some sort of large party held in Jefferson Park I think during the summer.
Can anyone elaborate on this or has heard something similar about the street? Or is there some boring explanation as to why its so wide (ie non-railroad related, lol!)?

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: 222psm ()
Date: January 29, 2011 05:38PM

check this out http://forgottenchicago.com/forum/2/2660/page=2/_subject_
look at post by Johnny Sauganash has link to old map that shows the rail road that ran on Sunnyside.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2011 05:40PM by 222psm.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: CrazyIvan25 ()
Date: February 05, 2011 06:55PM

Awesome! Thank you for that, I doubt I'd have found it myself! lol!

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Business7007 ()
Date: March 25, 2013 01:36AM

Before Sunnyside was actually estended West there was already a railroad line in its projected right-of-way so when the street was actually extended they incorporated the railroad into the street. The railroad was first called Chicago Terminal Transfer and later became the B&O Chicago Terminal. It ceased to be active quite early and was ultimated torn-up leaving Summyside in its wide condition.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Deejo ()
Date: March 25, 2013 04:13AM

This is really interesting - I always wondered about Sunnyside too. How about Catalpa between Western and Lincoln? Why is it so wide? I don't think it was a railroad in that case, but does anyone know?

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Mr Downtown ()
Date: March 25, 2013 04:42PM

I've always heard that part of Catalpa was widened because at one point it carried US 41—though it's not clear to me that exact routing was ever used. Catalpa (and Lincoln north to the city limits) were widened by ordinance in 1926, though plat records indicate it might have taken until 1945 to actually get possession of the land.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Deejo ()
Date: March 26, 2013 12:33AM

Thanks Mr. Downtown. That makes sense. Where would 41 have run? North or South to Catalpa on Western from Peterson or Foster?

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Mr Downtown ()
Date: March 26, 2013 02:03AM

Looking into it a bit more, it may not have been connected to a particular US route number. In the 1920s Chicago was doing a tremendous amount of arterial street widening (107 miles total), and apparently Lincoln was to be a big new "through route" in that area. I guess it was thought preferable to connect it to the newly widened Western Avenue at Catalpa rather than face the congestion of Lincoln Square closer to Lawrence.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Mr Downtown ()
Date: March 26, 2013 12:21PM

Looking into it a bit more, it may not have been connected to a particular US route number. In the 1920s Chicago was doing a tremendous amount of arterial street widening (107 miles total), and apparently Lincoln was to be a big new "through route" in that area. I guess it was thought preferable to connect it to the newly widened Western Avenue at Catalpa rather than face the congestion of Lincoln Square closer to Lawrence.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Business7007 ()
Date: March 31, 2013 02:31AM

US 41 on the North side was at one time routed on Foster Avenue to the Outer Drive until that was extended to Hollywood. Chicago seems to have a history of frequently changing US highway routings for no apparent reason. At least it kept the sign movers busy.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Mr Downtown ()
Date: March 31, 2013 01:38PM

US 41 wasn't moved, even though the Drive was extended. It still runs via Lake Shore Drive-Foster-Lincoln.

As for the peripatetic route numbers, I've always assumed that was because the city/county could use federal-aid money to improve whatever arterial carried the route.

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Re: Why is Sunnyside Ave so wide between Milwaukee and Narraganset?
Posted by: Business7007 ()
Date: April 13, 2013 12:06AM

You do indeed have it right Mr Downtown US 41 comes down Cicero Avenue from the North, then on to Lincoln Avenue down to Foster Avenue for the trip to the Outer Drive and so on and so on.

I wonder if the curve in Lincoln Avenue right where Catalpa comes in on the East side might be the reason why Catalpa is wider going East than going West. Being wider on that side might make it easier to make the turn from southbound Lincoln into eastbound Catalpa; just a thought.

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