26th St. a.k.a. the Little Village area does not have buildings that old (the ones shown across the street in the photo).
I immediately recognized the area as Pilsen. In this case the photo was taken on the south west corner of the Pilsen neighborhood at 21st & Wood. The exact shot was taken standing on Wood St. looking slightly N.E. at the corner of 21st St. Here is a link.,-87.908446&sspn=0.007439,0.016469&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2100+S+Wood+St,+Chicago,+Cook,+Illinois+60608&ll=41.854083,-87.670974&spn=0,0.016469&z=17&layer=c&cbll=41.853974,-87.670968&panoid=VReppwQvVS5ocS_0SxdpuQ&cbp=12,59.35,,0,-3.56
Here is a better link to the three buildings shown across the street which have been modified over the past 70 years.,-87.908446&sspn=0.007439,0.016469&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2100+S+Wood+St,+Chicago,+Cook,+Illinois+60608&ll=41.853988,-87.670931&spn=0,0.016469&z=17&layer=c&cbll=41.854097,-87.670661&panoid=6K8D2HBvZxYpBhdmOEsI8g&cbp=12,5.06,,0,-8.48
Here is a link to 1759 W. 21st St. where the guys are on the front stoop of what I believe is a tavern. The storefront facade has been heavily muddled since the 40's when that shot was taken. Look at the front stoop though. It is exactly the same with the black "step" on the top and a concrete base on the bottom.
I love to locate the exact location of unidentified photos. I have done it many dozen times to photo's in my collection. I have a series of steps that I follow to accomplish this. Everybody here also knows that I collect and share any knowledge I have about the Pilsen, Little Village, and many other west side neighborhoods in books, newsletters for historical societies and other historic organizations, and on this site. Just so you guys don't think I am a jerk with the way I handled this with Jared, I did it for a reason. I have bought from Jared over the years and I know he is a dealer. Many items which he finds end up on e-bay for sale. I did it this way to see if Jared would give me a fair shot at an otherwise unidentified photo that may have just been tossed in a pile of other stuff without me taking the time to find its exact location. We will see if he excepts my fair offer.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2010 12:43AM by Berwyn Frank.