Unusual subdivision Skokie....Timber Ridge..any info?
Date: February 21, 2010 10:25PM
My lady recently bought a home in the subdivision of Timber Ridge in Skokie...it's roughly a square mile bounded by Church to the north, Dempster to the south, Crawford to the west, and Prairie to the east..
It's got a very unusual street layout...all the streets have Indian like names, and are winding and curved..the architecture of most of the homes is very different...the area is lovely and wooded, sort of an enclave...the homes look as if they give the whole area a sort of upper crust look, as if it was an exclusive place to live, back in the late 50's and early 60's (which is what I've found to be birth of the area)..One can't help but picture a community much like we see on the old reruns of "The Dick Van Dyke' show from the early 60's..complete with Tupperware parties, PTA, station wagons, and dinner parties where the dry martinis and manhattans flowed...
Historic aerial views show a totally flat plain in 52'...Ten years later, there is a completely developed area, with streets, sidewalks, etc...pretty explosive growth..
anyone have any info or reminiscences of the area?