Re: Child Placement circa 1920 (Boarding School)
Date: September 20, 2015 08:10PM
Looking in the 1922 Daily News Almanac and Year Book, they have the following article about Juvenile Court:
JUVENILE COURT OF COOK COUNTY, Room 900, County Building. Judge-Victor P. Arnold, Assistant to Judge-Mary M. Bartelme, Chief Probation Officer-Joseph L. Moss. Jurisdiction-The Juvenile court hears and disposes of cases brought before it under the act to regulate the treatment and control of dependent, neglected, and delinquent children, and truant cases brought before it under the compulsory education law. It also administers the las providing for the partial support of mothers whose husbands are dead or incapacitated for work when such mother have children under 14 years of age. The Juvenile detention home is at 711 Gilpin Plave. The judges of the circuit court each summer select one of its members to sit in the Juvenile court one year.
Another entry refers to "parental schools," and Chicago Parental School was located at 3600 W. Foster Avenue. Not quite sure what that was.
Another entry lists "Asylums, Homes, and Nurseries in Chicago and Vicinity"
I never realized that there were so many. There are literally a page and a half of them, all listed in small type, far to many to manually type in here. If anyone is interested, I will try to photostat this, then upload it into a pdf document that I could email them. I won't be able to do this for a week or two as I will be travelling for work.