Re: 69th and South Ashland Ave.
Date: February 07, 2015 11:40PM
I worked at Delco's, on the NE corner of 69th & Ashland, part of the time when I was in high school (post-1963). I worked overnight. There was a bar attached, in the storefront to the east. At the time I worked there it was past the heyday of the place. Two guys, Greek I'm thinking, owned the place. I handled the soda fountain and liquor sales (even though I was a minor), and the two owners worked the bar. Ice cream was home-made, then. Brent's Grill was across the street; a great short-order cook/diner type place. The CTA 'car barn' was on the SW corner. A furniture store was on the NW corner. Stadelman's Drug Store was nearby, as was Marvin Ray's butcher shop, Lemay Bakery, ValueLand department store and a 5 and 10 I'm forgetting the name of (and which we lived above once). There was also a hardware store close by. What a great neighborhood that was, "back in the day."
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2015 11:41PM by Longford.