Petting zoo in a large park maybe Caldwell woods

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Petting zoo in a large park maybe Caldwell woods
Posted by: Dharmada ()
Date: June 16, 2014 06:43PM

Anyone remember the petting zoo inside of a large park could've been caldwell woods. you could access the zoo through a trail through the forest was a rather large park. They had snakes and lynx and other animals through a winding path. might've been a fountain and maybe merry-go-round

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Re: Petting zoo in a large park maybe Caldwell woods
Posted by: PKDickman ()
Date: June 16, 2014 08:25PM

There was a neighborhood zoo at Indian Boundary park(Rockwell & Lunt), but no trails and not much in the way of woods.

I suspect that you are thinking of the the Hal Tyrrell Trailside Museum.
Somewhat farther south (Chicago & Thatcher) in River Forest.
They used to care for injured wildlife and always had chicken wire cages of wacky animals.

You would park by the Thatcher Woods picnic area and walk the trails up to the museum.
They are still there and I think they still have some animal exhibits.

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Re: Petting zoo in a large park maybe Caldwell woods
Posted by: Deejo ()
Date: June 17, 2014 03:04AM

I loved Trailside Museum growing up in the 1970's. It wasn't really a "museum" in the traditional sense - all the "exhibits" were live animals, mostly those native to Thatcher Woods that had been found in the woods injured and nursed back to health by the staff. It was/is located in an old late-19th Century brick house, painted yellow, with a cupola on top, at the southwest corner of Chicago Avenue and Thatcher Road.

There was never a fountain or merry-go-round there. It was just in the woods, and not far in, either - it was/is visible from Thatcher Road.

However, Kiddyland was less than a mile to the northwest, at First Avenue and North Avenue.

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Re: Petting zoo in a large park maybe Caldwell woods
Posted by: rjmachon ()
Date: June 17, 2014 02:25PM

I think you are thinking of [b]River Trail Nature Center[/b] at 1320 Milwaukee Ave. in Northbrook. This would be south of River Road and north of Sanders Road on the west side of Milwaukee ave. I used to go here all the time as a kid. It is like a small zoo and younger children may enjoy River Trail’s nature discovery area. You can check it out below.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2014 02:27PM by rjmachon.

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