Re: 367 N. Karlov
Date: April 21, 2014 08:49PM
Under the Cook County Assessor's Office The address comes up as 4059 W Kinzie St. Nothing under 367 North Karlov. Probably because the building is listed as being built in 1898. But I can see 367 over the doorway on the street view.
When you look at the google map, Cudner and O'Conner is shown over the building. The building across the alley comes up as 367 North Karlov, Redlight Studios but it is an old frame house not even on the corner. It is all goofy!
Whatever is was, 367 N., it was a nice looking building when it was built. Did anyone check out the second floor windows? Pretty cool.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2014 08:51PM by rjmachon.