40th Ave to Crawford to Pulaski change dates?
Date: February 23, 2014 08:17PM
In another thread about TB Sanitarium, FC member "shekaago" posted "In The Directory of The Public Schools of the City of Chicago 1905 - 1906 ... it lists Belding Branch 2 located at "N. Fortieth av., 1/4 block south of Peterson av."
So, Pulaski was called Crawford for shorter time then it seems. If in 1905 was still 40th, when did Crawford come in? And when did change to Pulaski, in the 1930s?
There was such resistance to changing to Pulaski, probably since the old timers just gotten used to switch from 40th.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2014 08:21PM by tomcat630.