Re: Metra train on the Bloomingdale line???
Date: January 17, 2014 04:25AM
Hello, CrazyIvan25 and all.
This is probably a "rare" sighting because Metra seldom needs to "wye" its trains.
Metra trains are always set up with their locomotives on the "outbound" end and a control car (railcar with a functional control cab at one end) on the Chicago end of the train.
Normally, Metra "correctly" assembles its trains at its maintenance and storage yards. And, Metra can, but usually DOESN'T move equipment from one line to another on anything close to a regular basis for several reasons. However, if they move a complete trainset from one line to another (like they may be doing now to alleviate the UP Lines eqipment shortages,) the train might not come in orientated correctly. Thus, the trainset will need to be "wyed" to get it set up in the correct orientation, with the locomotives as far away from the Chicago stub platform end of the train as possible.
This orientation is needed to avoid or at least minimize "backdrafting" locomotive exhaust into the passenger terminals themselves. While not much of a problem per se at LaSalle Street with its open platforms, Union and Ogilvie have deep covered trainsheds, and the exhaust problems would get exponentially worse if you parked a locomotive right next to the station doors. This is paticularly true in the wintertime, when the locomotives can NOT be shut down between runs. Thus, for "consistency" between the diesel powered lines, ALL lines, even the Rock Island Service out of LaSalle Street are oriented with "locomotives out."
Brian J. Patterson.
CrazyIvan25 Wrote:
> About a month ago, I was driving up Kimball, and
> saw on the Bloomingdale line, a Metra train
> backing up...<CHOP>
> Has anyone seen a Metra train on the Bloomingdale
> Line?