Chicago Protection Racket in late 1920's/early '30's

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Chicago Protection Racket in late 1920's/early '30's
Posted by: wshalliday ()
Date: February 28, 2013 06:36PM

Does anyone know what the "protection racket scene" was like in late 20's/early'30's Chicago? If say, in 1928, someone had the means and acumen to start a legitimate business: (ex.) a record company-recording dance bands and manufacturing and selling phonograph records, in say, the North Side, around Wrigleyville (Dearborn Avenue area), would they be subjected to extortion (protection money) by either organized crime or smaller independent gangters? If so, how would this work (weekly, monthly, or maybe a lump-sum? % of profits?). How high would you need to have influence to avoid this potential extortion (maybe know an alderman, mayor, chief of police, governor of Illinois-yes I know they had their own hands out)? Who would be likely to be behind this? Bugs Moran to start, then Al Capone, after St Valentine's Day Massacre in '29? How would this all work? Would there be graft involved in just obtaining a business license for a record company?
I am working on a screen-play about this time period ('28-'34) and scenerio (recording company) and would like some advance info.
Thanks for any consideration and response to this inquery.
Skip D, Alexandria, Virginia

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Re: Chicago Protection Racket in late 1920's/early '30's
Posted by: Kchi ()
Date: March 01, 2013 12:24PM

Not to be cynical, but this is Chicago, there is a difference between criminal extortion and "legal extortion". Before you can get extorted by "criminals", I would assume that back then is the same way the system works today, the "extortion" usually starts with "campaign contibutions" to the alderman. Next it helps if the lawyer and insurance broker you hire coincidentily are or are related to a politician. We have a wonderful system here, that through zoning laws, licensing approval, and real estate tax assessment, nothing gets done without the alderman's approval.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2013 12:30PM by Kchi.

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Re: Chicago Protection Racket in late 1920's/early '30's
Posted by: nordsider ()
Date: March 01, 2013 03:17PM

To breathe some of the atmosphere of Chicago in years 1927-1928, read may be interested in reading about a mayor of Chicago in that era, William Hale Thompson:

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Re: Chicago Protection Racket in late 1920's/early '30's
Posted by: murphman ()
Date: March 10, 2013 09:57AM

Kchi pretty much summed it up nicely. Another facet of business ownership are the guys hauling in a juke, poker machine or pinball machine without ever asking for it. Kicked them out of my place machine and all. Funny thing, a week later I received a registered letter stating my license was issued in error and I would have to close. Often wonder if there was a connection?

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Re: Chicago Protection Racket in late 1920's/early '30's
Posted by: wshalliday ()
Date: June 10, 2014 01:54PM

Sorry for the year-long delay! I appreciate the info and replies, especially about 'campaign contributions' to an alderman, mayor, etc. Many thanks, Skip.

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