West side cable car remnant

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West side cable car remnant
Posted by: jamessolon (---.com)
Date: October 08, 2013 04:59PM

I came across a relic of the old West Chicago Street Railroad system in the Heart of Italy neighborhood. It's on the south side of Coulter Street between Oakley and Leavitt, and looks like it could have been a car barn. Over the center door are the initials "W.C.St.R.R.Co." carved into a limestone inset. The building may have been taller once upon a time, as grade level in this neighborhood was raised in the early 20th century to allow the installation of pitched sewers. In this area, you can look down into peoples' front yards almost a full story below current street level. I've got a couple of photos which I haven't figured out how to post, but would be glad to share.

Jim Solon
Evanston, IL

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Re: West side cable car remnant
Posted by: daveg (130.36.62.---)
Date: October 08, 2013 06:30PM

Here's a Flickr set of the recent Cable Car tour taken with Greg Borzo, author of the Chicago Cable Car book and the FC crew.

The building mentioned above is a few rows down in the set.


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Re: West side cable car remnant
Posted by: jamessolon (---.com)
Date: October 11, 2013 03:41PM

That's the one. What do we know about the building?

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Re: West side cable car remnant
Posted by: daveg (130.36.62.---)
Date: October 15, 2013 01:28PM

One thing we learned on the tour was that it used to be a 2 story building. Horse stable on the top floor with cable cars below. Two sets of cars - winter and summer - were kept there.

Greg's book is well worth getting as it covers Chicago's cable car history in detail.

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Re: West side cable car remnant
Posted by: Richard Stachowski (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: October 15, 2013 05:59PM

[b]The other side of that building is on Blue Island 2528 and was an International Harvester Club according to to 1928 street guide. I see no evidence that it was two stories.. The garage doors are level with the street. The houses across and down the street yes they are below grownd but not that building.[/b]

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2013 11:29PM by Richard Stachowski.

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