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Pure speculation, but was wondering if anyone might offer thoughts as to the "Wanda" apartment on "North Honore" actually being on one of the N/S streets along the raised tracks between Hubbard and Carroll?
The present day street view is of Paulina looking NE from the south side of the raised tracks. But, there are several N/S streets that look much the same along the tracks. I checked Historic Aerials and it is hard to tell what type of structure was there in the 1940s.
I am speculating this might be the location (s) because it is relatively close to their location shooting on the near north side along Milwaukee. Additionally, the concrete design of the RR support is close as is the small street running right next to the tracks. The film grab is from Captain54's Flickr page...thanks Capt!
[url=]Northside 777 Honore street 1948[/url] by [url=]captain54_01[/url], on Flickr
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Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2012 06:17PM by Rustymuscle.