more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: 222psm (
Date: May 28, 2011 01:03PM

I posted this in the M Squad thread but I'll post here too since it came up:

I was reading the "north side 777" postings and the Racine police station came up, I found this: []

It shows a list of district stations, from 1943 and 1955. District #29 West Chicago 731 N Racine phone # MO 6-1702, notice districts 3,4.and 21 are "closed down" in the 1955 list. But # 29 is still active, I think shortly after 1955 this station was abandoned and the M Squad crew could have used the interior to film.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: Rustymuscle (
Date: January 25, 2012 06:15PM

Pure speculation, but was wondering if anyone might offer thoughts as to the "Wanda" apartment on "North Honore" actually being on one of the N/S streets along the raised tracks between Hubbard and Carroll?

The present day street view is of Paulina looking NE from the south side of the raised tracks. But, there are several N/S streets that look much the same along the tracks. I checked Historic Aerials and it is hard to tell what type of structure was there in the 1940s.

I am speculating this might be the location (s) because it is relatively close to their location shooting on the near north side along Milwaukee. Additionally, the concrete design of the RR support is close as is the small street running right next to the tracks. The film grab is from Captain54's Flickr page...thanks Capt!

[url=] [/url]
[url=]Northside 777 Honore street 1948[/url] by [url=]captain54_01[/url], on Flickr

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=700+n.+wolcott,+chicago&amp;aq=&amp;sll=41.88811,-87.674396&amp;sspn=0.006406,0.017338&amp;vpsrc=6&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=700+N+Wolcott+Ave,+Chicago,+Illinois+60622&amp;ll=41.88811,-87.674396&amp;spn=0.000032,0.017338&amp;t=h&amp;z=14&amp;layer=c&amp;cbll=41.888155,-87.669504&amp;panoid=OUVHn8-JvG6se4i8KKbjoA&amp;cbp=12,54.29,,0,2.04&amp;output=svembed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=700+n.+wolcott,+chicago&amp;aq=&amp;sll=41.88811,-87.674396&amp;sspn=0.006406,0.017338&amp;vpsrc=6&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=700+N+Wolcott+Ave,+Chicago,+Illinois+60622&amp;ll=41.88811,-87.674396&amp;spn=0.000032,0.017338&amp;t=h&amp;z=14&amp;layer=c&amp;cbll=41.888155,-87.669504&amp;panoid=OUVHn8-JvG6se4i8KKbjoA&amp;cbp=12,54.29,,0,2.04" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2012 06:17PM by Rustymuscle.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: January 26, 2012 01:33AM

Thanks for the old pictures of Chicago. I always enjoy looking at them. As your question about the "Wanda"apartments, I can not help you there. It dosn't ring a bell with me.

As for M Squad, I will have to stay up late tonight and watch it on TV.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: adgorn (
Date: April 29, 2012 08:26PM

I watched “Call Northside 777” recently and, like all of you, am interested in the filming locations. I took a number of screen shots of the movie on TV (see album at and am interested in definitively ID’ing the locations.

FYI - Here’s a quote from the Trib article dated 1995 0109 entitled “Real life Chicago Murder Mystery” by Gary Houston: “They shot on South Halsted, South Canal, South Des Plaines and the Back of the Yards area; they shot the spooky scene of Stewart's confrontation with "Wanda" on South Honore. They filmed in the 19th Precinct police station, the sheriff's office, the questioning room in the Criminal Courts building, the Bureau of Criminal Statistics and police headquarters. On many days they traveled 36 miles to Stateville for scenes between Stewart and Conte, and in one memorable frame we see the curved tiers of cells with the watchtower rising within it.”

Here’s my list of key sites (primarily outdoors) roughly as they occur in the movie and of my findings, from various research including your posts on Forgotten Chicago, so far. I do have to double check a few things so let me know if I have anything out of whack.

1) Wanda’s grocery where the officer was killed - Actual event took place at 4312 S. Ashland. The movie shows an address of 1226 and no street is indentified. You can also see a 1225 address across the street. Interestingly as the killers escape you see a lower number 1224 address to the left, which would mean this address would be on the north side.

2) Frank’s arrest - It seems that the cop car comes off a diagonal street, crosses a main street, then heads to the home which is in a building next to an empty lot. Look carefully and you can see a twin towered church off in the distance (perhaps All Saints at 518 W. 28th Pl. ?) Later in the movie you see his arrest card which shows 3021 Farrell St. as his home. That’s a real location today but doesn’t seem to match this scene.

3) Mother cleaning floors - The real mom cleaned floors at the former Comm Ed Bldg, now Chgo Public School offices, at 125 S. Clark. The interior shots were apparently filmed at the Wrigley Bldg.

4) Newspaper office – Actual former Chicago Daily Times offices building at 211 W. Wacker. If you pay attention to the views out the window they seem accurate for looking up and down the nearby Chicago River plus across the way to the Merchandise Mart. Also, the one scene where Cobb is leaning out the window is over the lower level North Post Place just to the west of the building.

5) Wife’s house - The number is 1925 but no street is identifiable.

6) Police Warehouse - There’s a plaque on the outside that reads “City of Chicago, Marshall Blvd.” and then part of a word that looks like “Plant.”

7) New City Police Station - Exterior 3501 S. Lowe; interior 47th & Paulina, as documented here

8) Subway exit - “now defunct and paved over south exit of the Harrison stop @ Polk St on S State, on the Red Line” at 759 S. State, as documented here

9) Searching for Wanda Bar #1 - Corner entrance with number 15, near dead end street

10) Searching for Wanda Bar#2 – Probably 1034 Milwaukee, as documented here. (I found a reference that it was called the Three Point Tavern from 1/25/1940 Trib) How the Kopelski (which as documented here was nearby at 1101 N. Noble) shows up in the window is unclear. Perhaps he was the owner at that time?

11) Searching for Wanda Bar#3 – This is where he finds the lady who knows where Wanda lives, I believe. The view from the interior shows the Ambrosia Brewing Company and one of their Nectar Beer taverns across the street. Ambrosia Brewing was at 3700 S. Halsted, so this location is probably on the east side of Halsted. In the scene leading up to him going inside (I think this is the right sequence but I’ll have to re-watch the movie to double check) Stewart is looking over his right shoulder toward a sign in Polish (which btw translated means “Closed July 20 to August 4”) and has a big tank and a water tower behind him. I think this is the same tank (on Diversey) that you see later when Stewart is walking towards the mother’s home from Holy Trinity Church. If so, this scene is looking east on Diversey from about Noble.

12) Wanda’s apartment – As documented here, it can’t be 725 N. Honore. But in the book “Hollywood on Lake Michigan” the author said "One of the film's most gripping scenes was actually filmed at Walush's (Wanda Skutnik in the movie) apartment at 725 S. Honore Street." 725 S. Honore Street today would be just North of Polk Street in the parking lot for the medical center. But when I look at, the 725 S. Honore location looks like it is still part of medical center buildings back in '38 and '52. So that address doesn't seem to be good either. Honore doesn't seem to start again until south of 35th street. I emailed the author with the hope of getting more info.

13) Mother’s home – east of Holy Trinity (1118 N. Noble St. ) on a street (that was probably part of Haddon at the time) that now looks like a pedestrian mall probably built after the Kennedy Expy went in. If you look closely at one of the photos you can see an address sign that says “1381-7 ½” which would be correct for this location.

14) Stateville – the real Stateville in Crest Hill on Route 53


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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: jak378 (
Date: May 02, 2012 12:50PM


Excellent compilation of scenes from the movie, but one discrepancy. The interiors of the New City Police Station were shot in what became the 9th District at 3501 S. Lowe, which was the "Deering" station, not in the station at 47th and Paulina, which was named "New City."I worked many years in the Deering station, in fact in the office on the first floor which is shown. I don't believe any of the movie was shot in the New City station, although they did use that name.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: Rustymuscle (
Date: May 02, 2012 01:06PM

Adgorn, as you noted, some of the information is on this thread. But I think there is at least one other thread dedicated to the movie and some of the other information can be found there.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: PKDickman (
Date: May 06, 2012 07:25PM

adgorn Wrote:
> 12) Wanda’s apartment – As documented here, it
> can’t be 725 N. Honore. But in the book
> “Hollywood on Lake Michigan” the author said
> "One of the film's most gripping scenes was
> actually filmed at Walush's (Wanda Skutnik in the
> movie) apartment at 725 S. Honore Street." 725 S.
> Honore Street today would be just North of Polk
> Street in the parking lot for the medical center.
> But when I look at, the
> 725 S. Honore location looks like it is still part
> of medical center buildings back in '38 and '52.
> So that address doesn't seem to be good either.
> Honore doesn't seem to start again until south of
> 35th street. I emailed the author with the hope
> of getting more info.
When this first came up, I looked at the screencap with the street sign and thought, “Wait a minute, the only place N. Honore crosses squarely under tracks is at Bloomingdale”. It is not far away so I walked up there and looked.

Superficially, it was very similar to the shot. An overpass perpendicular to the street, with a vertical embankment, concrete retaining wall and a narrow street running right along the retaining wall. This would have Stewart starting on the southwest corner and heading north along the west side of Honore. That puts him on the wrong side of the street for 725, but more importantly, when he crosses the side street, he passes a low picket fence. That indicated that the corner building was set back from both streets. There is a 1920’s corner entrance storefront on that corner (it was a camera shop for decades) that is built right to both property lines. So I shrugged, said “This ain’t it” and went on with my life.

When it came up again, I started thinking again.
The Polk Dir shows no such address as 725 north or south Honore in ’29, so the Honore part is hooey.

I watched the film again, and although the Wanda’s apartment sequence is three camera shots, the shots track together well enough to imply a single location.
In a single boom shot, Stewart stands under the viaduct crosses the narrow street walks to the second house and up to the front door. The second shot with “725” is of Stewart leaning over in the doorway and reading the name. The door trim and glazing look be the same as the first shot.

So I scanned 725 E,W,N & S on google maps looking for a perpendicular railroad overpass, with a vertical concrete retaining wall and narrow side street adjacent to the embankment and I came up with bupkes.

Sometimes the crossing was angled, of the embankment sloped, or the wall made of stone or the street had a 12ft parkway between it and the embankment. I decided the “725” was all hooey as well.

However the map search impressed me with exactly how rare the confluence of streets, bridge, embankment, and wall was in Chicago and Bloomingdale must have a couple of dozen near matches between Marshfield and Kimball.
So I took another walk.

One block East of Honore at the northwest corner of Wood and Bloomingdale is a small house setback from both streets. If Stewart was here, he walked to 1802 N. Wood.

There is a big McMansion there right now. I used to live live on the 1600 block of Wood back in the ‘80s and before that we used to visit my uncle Virgil at 1810 or 12 Wood til he moved to Carpenterville in the ‘70s. My best recollection is that 1802 was always a vacant sideyard for a brick 2 ½ story building at 1806.

So I looked further. The Polk directory has people living there in ’29 The historic aerials show a building there into the ‘50s.
The Historic aerials also put the last piece into the puzzle.
The third shot in the film sequence has the camera inside the building showing Stewart as he looks through the front door glass. Behind him a train thunders by on the tracks.

Both the Mullions of the window and the angle of the trains approach match the first shot, but the trains approach is quite long. To get this shot the property across the street would have to be vacant (or very short). This property is the south end of St Mary of the Angels Parish and there is a brick building there.
The aerials show that that building was built in the ‘60s.
In the ‘40s when the made the film it was a clear view of the Bloomingdale tracks for a city block.

So there it is, I postulate that Wanda’s Apartment was actually filmed at 1802 N. Wood St.

Paul K. Dickman

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: Rustymuscle (
Date: May 06, 2012 08:48PM

PK, nice bit of work! I need to watch the movie, but wasn't her apartment the building right next to the small street parallel to the tracks? The location now appears to have a very old, small house there, which would have been there when the movie was filmed. What are your thoughts?

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: PKDickman (
Date: May 06, 2012 10:36PM

Rustymuscle Wrote:
> PK, nice bit of work! I need to watch the movie,
> but wasn't her apartment the building right next
> to the small street parallel to the tracks? The
> location now appears to have a very old, small
> house there, which would have been there when the
> movie was filmed. What are your thoughts?

I am watching a crummy Youtube that is overly dark and although I cannot see a first house, Stewart takes about 10 paces after crossing the street before he turns up the steps, That suggests to me that it is the second house on the street he goes upto.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: Rustymuscle (
Date: May 09, 2012 06:40PM

I went into Netflix to view the movie online and darn, they don't make it available online now!

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: May 09, 2012 10:32PM

Try this one I found on line. You can download 6 episodes of Call Northside 777.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: Southpaw (
Date: October 04, 2014 05:32PM

The movie, Call Northside 777 (1948) is on at midnight of 10/4 on the channel "Movies". 363 on Comcast. The next airing is 10/10 at 4:40 am.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: April 15, 2015 03:23PM

This movie is back on TV today, WPWR.

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Re: more cool "Call Northside 777" screen shots
Posted by: Jeff_Weiner (
Date: February 11, 2016 04:13AM


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