Does anyone remember the uptown area around Carmen and Broadway? Carmen and Clark?
I lived there between 1936 and 1951. It was a great neighborhood- very diverse.
ON the corner of Carmen and Broadway was the 5100 Club where Danny Thomas was just starting out.
The Bachman HOuse, on Carmen, built by Bruce Goff constantly attracted visitors due to its radical design. We thought it had been built by Frank Lloyd Wright.
There was an old fashion drug store on Winnamac and Broadway- Rosenfelts? that served phosphates, Green River and sodas at the long marble counter.
THere was the Dubenet Lounge on the corner of Argyle and Broadway, a Davidson's bakery and a Jewish bakery, Esko Fish store, Jewish Deli and Chinese restaurant on Argyle in addition to a ton of small shops. At the end of Argyle was Sheridan Road and a lovely park that was always filled with people during the Summertime.
As kids, we used to walk to the Edgewater Beach HOtel in the Winter as they had an ice skating rink there. I think it cost 10 cents to skate and 10 cents for hot chocolate. Summers we walked to the Foster Ave Beach and walked along the rocks that went the length of the beach,
The street cars ran on Broadway and I can still hear the distinctive sound they made along the tracks and the bell that the conductor rang when he came to a cross street.
Clark near Carmen was the site of the first modern grocery store in the neighborhood. There was a Wollworth's on Clark about two blocks past Foster Ave that had a lunch counter. As Trumbull Elementary did not have a cafeteria, it was a treat to be able to walk to Woolworths for lunch.
Anyone else have memories of this neighborhood?
i love reading things like this. i lived right on winnemac off broadway in the 90s. the drugstore must have been where the 20 story office building now is. totally different situation now although it is re-gentrifying (i don't know if this would be considered an improvement or a sterilisation, though..)
Thanks, Neil! The photos are just great!
I don't remember the Argmore Theater right now. We used to go to the Uptown so I don't think I ever went there.
Wish there was a photo of Argyle St too.!
Thanks so much for posting the link. I'll have to check in to that site every now and then.
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