Dr. Jazz

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Dr. Jazz
Posted by: Deejo (74.222.36.---)
Date: November 01, 2010 01:07AM

In the 1970's I went to an ice cream parlor called Dr. Jazz for a childrens' birthday party. It was located on Montrose just west of Ashland. I don't remember much about it other than that I found it interesting. I don't remember much about the ice cream, but I remember the atmosphere being interesting, although I don't remember many details now except that there was a clown there. I don't think he was there just for the birthday party - I got the impression that he was there all the time.

If anyone has any memories/details about Dr. Jazz, I would appreciate hearing them.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: tseals (---.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net)
Date: November 02, 2010 11:59PM

It was on the South side of Montrose in the early-mid 70's. they had a huge nickelodean.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: WayOutWardell (---.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net)
Date: November 19, 2010 12:44PM

I came across this in a book about Chicago jazz, although the caption says this location is on Wilson...is this the same place?

[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/29821940@N00/5189322261/]Dr. Jazz, unknown date[/url]

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: captain54 (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: November 19, 2010 03:35PM

web searches reveal that Dr Jazz was on Montrose..there was another one in Evanston down the street from Amazing Grace, the famous folk music venue @ Chicago and Main, across from the 24/7 "newspapers from around the world" stand

there was "Zephyr" on Wilson and Ravenswood that had been around since the late 70's...they had the gigantic "Titanic"...

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: WayOutWardell (---.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net)
Date: November 19, 2010 05:40PM

captain54 Wrote:
> web searches reveal that Dr Jazz was on
> Montrose..there was another one in Evanston down
> the street from Amazing Grace, the famous folk
> music venue @ Chicago and Main, across from the
> 24/7 "newspapers from around the world" stand

The book that the photo is in has many wrong locations and names; I'm going with you guys.
> there was "Zephyr" on Wilson and Ravenswood that
> had been around since the late 70's...they had the
> gigantic "Titanic"...

...and that crazy room with all the mirrors in it. My friends and I would split the 'War Of The Worlds' (at least I think that's what it was called) after going to concerts.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: captain54 (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: November 19, 2010 10:35PM

found some info that said Dr. Jazz was @ 1605 W Montrose

some interesting info on the Pickard Building, 4557 N Ravenswood, which housed Zephyr Ice Cream from 1976-2006


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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: tseals (---.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net)
Date: November 24, 2010 12:20AM

The Zepher was on Wilson @ ravenswood. It was still there in 1999. I can't rememeber- some time after, that it closed. It is [b]now[/b] an Irish Pub. In the mid-'80's there was a brutal murder there. To the best of my recollection, 3 employees were cleaning up after closing, when some unknown offenders went to Rob the place. They brought three(?) employees into the bathroom and executed them. I can not remember if it was ever solved. One of the victims was just a teenager.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: SuperCFL (---.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net)
Date: November 30, 2010 02:28AM

I think The Zephyr closed within the last five years or so. I went there with several friends from church shortly before it closed.

I was there only about two or three times...my memory of the first time was an odd one. I was there with some classmates and a teacher (we were going to a Neil Simon play that evening over at Truman College). Four guys, five girls and the teacher. Us guys and the teacher all had the same thing (the open-face roast beef sandwich that they were known for); the girls all had different things. Come the next day, us guys and the teacher were okay, but all five girls were out sick.

In looking back, I believe they did nail two or three people for the shooting that took place there.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: captain54 (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: November 30, 2010 04:52AM

I remember a shooting and robbery in the mid 80's at the Zephyr because I lived not too far from there, but I don't remember anyone being murdered. I know one of the employees was paralyzed, because I remember the fundraiser.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: alexzafra (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: April 09, 2012 12:29AM

I lived across the street from Dr. Jazz from 1980-1985 in the apartment building located at 4404 N. Ashland & the building wraps around the corner & faces Montrose. Memories of my grade school years with friends from Our Lady of Lourdes & Ravenswood are coming back as I think of ice cream & shakes from Dr. Jazz. There was an awesome display of memorabilia from the early 1900's that included old scary movies like Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula & also fun characters of Americana such as Charlie Chaplin, Three Stooges, Little Rascals. They had early video games to play & also had a piano constantly playing on its own.

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: 729 Brompton (---.148-78-65.ftth.swbr.surewest.net)
Date: October 23, 2012 02:00AM

Oh boy, do I remember this one vividly. I LOVED Dr. Jazz.

Ok- once you walked in the left door, you turned right, and to your right was a game where you had to take the wand and follow a wiggly wire and you couldn't touch or it'd buzz. A drunk tester so to speak. Then near the center where the
main door" that was trapezoid shaped was the 1920's crane game. there were white little tables with the wire chairs that had round wooden bases with the heart twisted into the back of the chairs. There were old toys, mostly truck and cars on shelves that lined the ceiling. Not as many as TGI Fridays but tasteful. They did have a Nickelodeon there that had OG animatronic animals on the top playing instruments. They were really old, so were REALLY creepy. Especially the frog that gave me nightmares. There was a movie screen, like we all had in the 70s if we didnt use a sheet, but it always played old silent movies. The place always smelled like Malt. There were other games, but those memories are fading. They always served ice cream in the frilly glasses and boats. I remember we went one night, and it was burned out. I think I cried that night. Boys don't cry! That night was the first time I heard the term "Lucky Lightning"- my dad figured insurance fraud. Who knows... Anyway, we went to Zephyr instead and it just wasn't the same. Still good tho. Still was pretty good! Had an awesome blueberry split.

On a similar note, we used to go to Ideal Candies on Clark near Belmont, maybe 2 blocks north. It had a black awning, and black marble front. I think it still has the black marble. That place was a family owned, and made everything in shop. It was VERY 30s deco and kind of fancy. THey did mostly chocolates and valentines stuff, but you could get ice cream too. I once got a Chocolate malt with everything chocolate. Everyone laughed, but I barely made it home!

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Re: Dr. Jazz
Posted by: jean_9929 (---.pools.spcsdns.net)
Date: November 03, 2013 03:52PM

There is a website, Doctor Jazz, http://doctorjazzchicago.com/ about the Doctor Jazz Ice Cream Parlor at 1609 W. Montrose Ave. and Ashland Ave. It is maintained by one of the owners, Joe Bortz. He and his brother Mike owned it. The site has info and many photos on it. If you have any photos or memories of it you would like to share you can email Joe at bortzcars@gmail.com <bortzcars@gmail.com>. He also has a website about another themed restaurant, Sally's Stage, http://www.sallysstage.com/ which also has many facts and photos about it.

[url=http://doctorjazzchicago.com/]Doctor Jazz Ice Cream Parlor in Chicago[/url]

[url=http://www.sallysstage.com/]Sally's Stage[/url]

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