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Hi - This is my first visit to your website and my first message. Wanted to let U know that I really enjoyed seeing the American Family Soap ghost ad, and U are absolutely correct-the successor company is still in business. In fact, i am holding a soap wrapper that some of your viewers may be interested in. It is red,white and blue, and on the front is entitled "Kirk's Original Coco Castile" . The label makes reference to "healthy, beautiful skin since 1839 and indicates that it is Pure Botanical Coconut Oil Soap. I purchased it a few weeks ago @ the Fruitful Yield Health Store on Golf rd in Schaumburg/Hoffman Estates. The Co address is listed as Kirk's Natural LLC< 1820 Airport Exchange Blvd, Erlanger KY 1-800-82-kirks, website is It is made in USA also !
Reading your descriptor on Kirk's predecessor co jogged my memory. Incidentally i feel the product is great, sudses up real well.