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12 years ago
And no, I havent been in contact with anyone from that area since I graduated grade school in "67. We just drifted our own ways.
Forum: General Discussion
12 years ago
I lived at 4221 Overhill from 1960 to about 1975. I went to Northwest Lutheran grade school in Elmwood Park and survived Ridgewood High. I was around when the HIP was an open shopping center, Kiddeeland was still there,the Harlem outdoor,the yearly HIP carnival, etc,etc,etc. Good times, great place.
Forum: General Discussion
12 years ago
I lived on the 4200 block of Overhill,in the "east hood",but knew a few people that lived in the "brick homes". Went out to the Thatcher Homes area last week and poked around. I was clearly able to see the "street " patterns and such,along with the fire hydrants in the middle of the preserve. It seems as if the ditch that runs kinda east to west is exactly the path of
Forum: General Discussion
12 years ago
I think it's Alexander Graham Kowalski, the first "Telephone Pole".
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
I've found that in seeking out the paranormaL,there are those that truly believe,quite often seeing something in nothing, and those that truly dont,or after serious investigation find it all to be urban legends on steroids. A beliver or non believer cant be persuaded to accept the others opinion, it's just human nature, the "need" (or not) to believe, and will never change. Personally, I
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Hey Crowamonghens, you really seem to like drugs..what are YOU on?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Great site!! I was very impressed with the Blues Bros. video editing. And the historic pix are amazing!! But who or what exactly are you?
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
12 years ago
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Yeah, I wasnt sure if the 57th St. colony was around as early as 1900, I was mistaken. However, Hyde Park is just due south of this area and is known for artists as mentioned.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
here was an "artists colony" on 57th st. east of Washington Park. The storefronts where artists congregated were left over from the 1893 Columbia Exposition (Worlds Fair) and were the "center" of the author/artist community. Writers such as James Farrell wrote of this area alot in his "Washington Park/Oneill pentalogy novels. I'm sure theres links to this colony online.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Forest Preserve Drive which runs SW from around 7000 Montrose to around River Road. I believe it used to be known as the "Indian Boundry Line"
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
I checked the Norridge area on historic aerials and in 1951 the only thing noticeable there was some kind of an oval track. Anyone know of some kind of race track there? Also shown was the Harlem Outdoor.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
I used to go to the Goldblatts on Grand And Harlem to buy 45s and albums. I bought the Monkees first album there when it came out.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
I remember a radio blooper I heard years back. The announcer said" So, be sure to visit your local A and Poo Feed Store" HA! ( I guess ya had to be there...)
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
True, it was a phenomenon for a while. Sad how the general public embraces and defends the lamest trends...Jusy my opinion
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
Hmm, cant locate on Facebook either. Gimme a clue
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Duh, just saw the facebook thing. Will check it out.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Hey Bruce, tried Googling the "Thatcher Homes of Norwood Township, IL - temporary WWII veterans housing" which brought me back to Forgotten Chgo. Is your site on Facebook or other? Also, did you have a bro named Bob? We went to Ridgewood together.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
I was reading the book about Norridge, "Island in a city" and saw the aerial photo that showed some kind of buildings there. Having lived in the area from 1960 to about 1975 I was never aware that this parcel was anything more than an open field with a few tree clumps. I thought that the photo had been doctored for some reason and didnt believe that there was ever anything there. Then
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Growing up in Norridge, there was a Jewel store at Irving & Oriole, and a half block west there was a Grocerland. Obviously, back in the day, there was enough of a local customer base to keep both in business. We used to grab the empty returnable bottles from the rack outside Jewels and cash them in at Grocerland. It's interesting how back then the shoppers were usually neighborhood folks who
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
They were there when all the changes started happening. Of course the area today is but a shell of its former self and has stayed decimated all these years. Do you know if either your father or uncle knew any of the people in Farrells novels?
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Anyone here have any stories,memories,interests regarding this neighborhood area? Anyone ever lived there,visited there,studied the area? As a Farrell fan I've become somewhat fascinated with the place and wondered if there were others as myself.
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Hello to a fellow survivor!! For a while, I was in a band we named "Mona's Handbags" in referrence to a HIP store!
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
What's this about St. Pascals closing? What a shame!
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
The Brickyard was a great example of where not to build a mall. I think they opened in the early 80s and was torn down about 10 myears ago. At first, it was a decent place, but as years went on it became a hangout for the punks and various lower strata population, a clear death sign. Now they've "rebuilt" the area with a series of scattered, confusing strip type malls, a testament to pla
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
Ah, Grand and Harlem!! The Montclare theatre, Goldblatts. This was one of our main shopping areas along with 6 corners and Belmont & Central.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
Also, in my youth, I ended up working at about every restaurant around HIP. The Plaza Snack shop,the old Howard Johnsons,(later the Ground Round),Walgreens restaurant,the Intl Pancake House, arbys,etc. Then I would take my pay and buy more records and other such stuff. The day it came out, I cashed my meager check and ran over the Allied Electronics and bought the Beatles White Album. Ah, what me
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
We moved to Norridge in 1960 so I was able to enjoy the HIP as it was. Every year they would have the Norridge carnival in the parking lot,with the ten cent games,("3 for a dime,9 for a quarter!")and the rides. One time they had a battle of the bands in the open area where the food court is now, and me and my friends watched it from the second level parking lot. On Sundays the only store
Forum: General Discussion
13 years ago
The Portage by six corners is another one of the old gems that seems to be doing well,showing old silent and horror films. In the 70s they cut it up in to 3 or 4 "mini-auditoriums" but they've torn down the dividers and restored it to it's original size. They have connections with the silent movie and horror films societies and have alot of showings I understand that although the Uptown
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
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