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13 years ago
Great pictures! They bring back memories!
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
The only thing I could find is that it housed "Jacobson Furniture Company" in 1928-29.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
13 years ago
The Boston Store closed in July 1948. Here is link to a short write-up about the store. I love how they say the interior "reeked with a quaint Victorian mustiness."
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
"Lynn Burton for Certain." Remember this?
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
shekaago Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Here's an old photo of the Kars sign on Central. > The site from which this photo comes is about old > trolly lines but has some great photos of bygone > Chicago. > > Kars Dime Store Sign Great picture of Kars!
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
I remember going to the one at 91st and Commercial when I was little around 1958 or so. There were two things that I especially remember. One were the "calling bells" which sounded when they needed a staff member. I was told these were used instead of an intercom announcing names. Every now and then you'd hear a "ding ding" sounding. The thing I remember best about Goldb
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
shekaago Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That would definitely make my day! My week! My > year! A couple of weeks ago I stopped in to talk > with one of the managers at Mount Olive Cemetery > because I'm also working on a family genealogy > project and a few of my relatives are interred > there. The tracks once ran through that cemetery. &
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
Tim Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Those were the days when my parents gave me $0.40 > for a trip to the movies. $0.25 for admission > (two movies) and $0.15 for an un-buttered > popcorn. > > As you know Liz, it was usually meant walking to > the Uptown or Riviera. Sometimes the Nortown at > Devon and Broadway. I assume the the
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Great topic! For some crazy reason I am fascinated by large apartment buildings. Not the super-large high rises, but the big courtyard buildings built in the 1930's and before.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
A little off the subject, but when did it become popular for wakes to be held in funeral homes instead of in the person's home? What were some customs in the early part of the century involving mourning and funerals?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
I might be dreaming, but I seem to remember not being able to buy meat on Sundays either. Is this right?
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Does anyone remember the little old crippled lady that sold newspapers from a newstand at 79th & Jeffrey in South Shore? She had her newstand right outside of Shapiro's Drug Store. This goes back to the 1940's-1960's. I think her name was Annie. She was very kind to me when I was little, and I think about her every now and then and wonder whatever became of her.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
Where was the Chicago Clean Air Sanitarium which was located in the Chicago area in the 1920's?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
scottnchgo27 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A neat old store was Blackstone on Belmont near > Long Ave. Kind of hobby/craft store, you could buy > anything you ever needed there. We would buy our > model cars, paint and glue there. Model trains, > race cars for the AFX tracks, felt, styrofoam for > school projects, rubber balls, baseball c
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
b.a.hoarder Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oddly enough I just received a box of candy from > Gayety's the other day. In the box was a brief > description of the business so I checked the > website for more info. They are in Lansing,IL now > but were started by the Grandfather, a Mr. > Papageorge, right next to the Gayety Theater. > Ap
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
Great find, Berwyn Frank!
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
Artista Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Kitten, id like to visit that site. Can you > please share it with me? Sure! Here is the link: I hope you don't have a dial-up connection, or it will take forever to load. When it is done loading, there will be a list on the left side of letters.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
Artista Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I feel the same Kitten,,I ALWAYS drive past the > buildings of old and think that every one of these > buildings(even the 'mundane' ones) should be > historical landmarks and protected. The building > that i live at currently was built in 1926,, > nothing fancy about it but very special none the >
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
Berwyn Frank Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For the heck of it, here is another real photo > postcard from my collection that I use in my book > to illustrate the migration of Czech's from Pilsen > to Czech California. This image was taken from > Blue Island Ave. looking east at the south side of > the 1400 block of W. 19th St. featuring
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
Thanks everyone for the explanation of vaulted sidewalks! I've seen them, but never knew what they were called. The different images of the same place over the years are fascinating! Don't you wonder about who lived/worked in those buildings 50 or even 100 years ago? I never knew that the area had once been Czech. Very, very cool!
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
222psm Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Here's that view today; > > 3ab9367.jpg > > Note the buffet sign hanger is still there, I love > comparing photos from the past to current ones. > Also the post on the corner building the little > boy is leaning on, if it could only talk, wha
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
I remember The Little Corporal well. My folks and I had lunch there when we were downtown to go to the Mortgage Company when we sold our house in 1966. It was a fancy restaurant to us then and such a treat! We went again when I began working downtown and my mother met my dad and I for an early dinner. I remember feeling so grown up then because I was working downtown!
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I believe this is where my mother went in the late 1930's or early 1940's to see the Marathon Dancers Contest. I remember her telling the story of how she took the bus there by herself because she wanted to see them. This was before she was married, so it had to be somewhere around 1940.
Forum: General Discussion
14 years ago
I believe it was part of the Dunning Institution complex. Dunning covered a huge area between Irving Park and Montrose.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
14 years ago
Artista Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hey ,at the Cicero/Irving pk/Milwaukee 6 corners, > which store was it that had parking on the roof? I > remember which structure it is but forgot what the > store was. It was Kee's.
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
14 years ago
The Maurice Lenell plant/store has been closed for some time now. They haven't done anything with it. It just sits looking deserted and lonely. I heard the rumors about Costco, but haven't seen any sign of it yet.
Forum: General Discussion
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