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Questions and Answers (Q&A) Forgotten Chicago Forum
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9 years ago
Prior to O'Hare Airport being built, how was the original air field accessed? Was it like Midway Airport where you accessed the airport from the street (Cicero Ave.)?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Now, I posted this on another forum, and have received some help, so, I've decided to try me luck here as well. My question concerns old stations and their layout along the C&NW Northwest branch. I frequent this line, and until recently, didn't know of other intermediate stops besides Clybourn, Irving Park, Jeff. Park, Gladstone Park, etc. within the City of Chicago. So I'd like to know if the
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Thanks for the pictures and info. I actually have that publication, and it is very helpful! If anyone has any other information or pictures of the Metropolitan 'L (Logan Square, Humboldt Park, Douglas Park, Garfield Park, main line), please post here!
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
The first and third one's I am familiar with, but the second one is new to me. Thanks for posting them!
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Yes, I'm familiar with that site, but unfortuantely the section on the Garfield Park line is pretty bare with information. Plus, the book written on the history of the "L" only goes to 1932, so that ends that possibility too. But thank you.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
13 years ago
Hey, I was wondering if anyone out there remembers if there were any plans floated around during the 30s through the 50s when the Congress Expressway was being planned and built, regarding any other alignments or types of service on the Garfield Park "L" during and after construction. If anyone could provide me with any links or information I would greatly appreciate it! I also know that
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
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