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8 years ago
This may be stretching the boundaries of this forum, but does anyone out there have a Cubs media guide from the 50s or 60s? My grandfather's cousin was a head groundskeeper for Wrigley Field and I am trying to get an idea of about when he done this. His name would be Kenneth Olson. I have contacted the Cubs but have got no reply. I wonder otherwise if Newberry or the Chicago History Museum w
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
8 years ago
SWEDE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > ...Don't give up. Keep the posts coming. Make > comments on every thing and anything concerning > Chicago. Keep our posts on the top of the page. I > found this site by accident looking up some of our > old gangs in the Back of the Yards. > I made 300 posts or comments so far since finding
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
9 years ago
I just tried it and I got on there! Type in '1928 polks directory' in your search screen, I got : About Polk 's Directory I clicked on this and a picture that says 'About Polk's directory' pops up and near the bottom, you will see 'main menu'. Click on that and it should take you to the main menu and just click on to directory. I had n
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
There is an old fire house on Fullerton just east of Central Park Ave that is now a repair shop. I think it originally housed engine 112 or 114. When I was growing up, Ambulance 3 and Flying Squad 5 were housed there. I think it finally closed in the late 70s or early 80s. I believe the old engine 68 firehouse on Kostner was standing as of 2004-05. You can still see it in bing maps as of 2007.
Forum: General Discussion
9 years ago
My cousin used to be in a band called Valentino that used to perform at the Thirsty Whale in the late 80s. My family was going to see him perform there once, but something happened that we never got there.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
9 years ago
I moved to Rockford from Chicago about 20 years ago. A good friend of mine used to tease me about my 'Chicago accent' especially the word 'Cheecago' and when I slipped and used 'YOUS' (do YOUS have any SAWSAGE?) How about the Superfans 'DA BEARS'?
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
What word (exchange?) would be used for a 772 prefix? I read your article on old phone numbers but didn't see it listed.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
I lived in the Hermosa Park neighborhood and Walt Disney's family lived on Tripp Ave in the early 1900s. He was supposed to have went to Nixon School, the same school I went to on Keeler Ave. I don't know how many times we passed his boyhood home without realizing it. I heard something about actor Michael Gross from Family Ties (with Michael J Fox) lived across the street from Hermosa Park on K
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
rjmachon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dunning 1, wasn't there a hobby shop on the south > side Irving Park Road just west of Austin Ave. > back in the late 1960's? I think the name of that hobby shop was Zenith. I went in there in the late 80s when I was starting to get into model trains. I remember the ir inventory was kind of older. I got an ol
Forum: General Discussion
10 years ago
bowler Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My only suggestions are maybe the county archives > the old records for defunct hospitals or I know > many of the old sanitarium buildings became > Peterson Park of the Chicago Park District: > > > ction/parks.detail/object_id/433b5e34-bd4e-4fe5-a
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
10 years ago
PKDickman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I think you mean Leavitt, not Talcott. I don't > think Talcott ever crosses Irving Pk. > > Burkhard was at 2157 W Irving. > It is a real estate office now. Yeah, I meant Leavitt. I didn't have the street name in front of me when I was writing and for some reason, Talcott stuck in my mind.T
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Can anyone tell me if the Burkhard Funeral home on Irving Park and Talcott is still in Operation? It was run by one of my great-grandfather's relatives. Also, does anyone have information on the Birren funeral home on Lincoln ave. I thought I read it was one of the first funeral homes in the Lincon Park area. Both of these funeral homes were listed on many of my family's death certificates
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Does anyone remember where any of the Turnstyle stores were located? The only one I can recall was located on Kostner near Grand and North Avenues; that one became a Venture store and I think now its a Burlington Coat Factory or a Cook's Store. Were all the Venture Stores at one time Turnstyle stores? I believe they closed in the late 70s as I was pretty young at the time.I was actually more
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I went to DePaul from 89-91 and took some classes(not intentionally) at the downtown campus. I took the Ravenswood L downtown and I remember seeing Ogden Ave as a stub by North Ave and wondering what happened. I also remember seeing the old fire insurance staton on Orleans and wonderng what that was. (Thanks to your website, I know what both these items are). I also thought it was neat how the tra
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
CrazyIvan25 wrote: "That would be great to read all the "what if?" projects that could have been done for Chicago. It makes me wonder just what cool things we missed out on, or convienent things, or just wacky things." Another 'what if' project, while not as unusual as the 'causeway' or the 'airport on the lake' would be the Crosstown Expressway which was supposed to pa
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I remember a Land O Sweets on Fullerton Ave near Kostner.We used to stop there when we visited a friend at the gas station across the street.One of my main memories of the store is that they used to sell salt water taffy and you can sometimes watch it being made. If I remember correctly, the owner died in a plane accident around 1984 and the store closed shortly thereafter.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Sorry about the double post. I guess I hit Post one too many times:S
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Thanks for the info. It will be missed. I guess I'll just have to keep going to Gene and Jude's when I come into town. :)
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I am doing a family research and I am trying to locate a grave of a family member. I know Lincoln Park used to be a cemetery, but where did the graves get relocated to? Was there a certain place or did they get scattered among various cemeteries? My ancestors lived in the Lncoln Park area and must have had a child die about 1862. The records I have researched at St Michael's start at 1864 so I
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I am doing a family research and I am trying to locate a grave of a family member. I know Lincoln Park used to be a cemetery, but where did the graves get relocated to? Was there a certain place or did they get scattered among various cemeteries? My ancestors lived in the Lncoln Park area and must have had a child die about 1862. The records I have researched at St Michael's start at 1864 so I
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
Does anyone know if Demon Dogs ever relocated? I live in the Rockford area and remember reading in the paper that it was closing because the CTA was rebuilding the el station. When I went to DePaul from 89 - 91 I used to go in there all the time. Someone told me it relocated in the suburbs but I can't find anything on it.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
There was a record store on Pulaski near North Ave That my mom used to take us to. I also remember a used record store on Clark around Wrightwood. I took a Sociology of Rock Music class at DePaul in the nineties and had to get some old records for a presentation. I can't remember the names of either of these places.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
I rememeber going to the doctor and dentist at the Fullerton-Ashland medical center and asking my mom what that awful smell was. One question though, where was the tannery located? Was it closer to Fullerton or Armitage. There must've been a city sanitation dept around there because I remember seeing a yard containing the blue garbage trucks in that vicinity.
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Wasn't there a department store called Arlen's or Alden's.I remember a warehouse type store on the corner of Roosevelt and Cicero where my family went several times. Didn't it become Turnstyle or am I confusing two different stores? I remember a Turnstyle on Kostner near Grand when I was very young which turned into Venture and a National on armitage and Kostner which turned into a Butera's Fi
Forum: General Discussion
11 years ago
Has anyone ever heard a story about a fire station in Chicago that caught on fire? I went to a fire station with a group of scouts a long time ago and I seem to remember the subject being brought up, kind of as a joke. I think the firefighter who was our tour guide said it was true but didn't go into detail about it.I tried the internet, but i couldn't find anything. It seems a few of you are know
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
I remember going into the Community store on Harlem and Gunnisononce or twice(I think once when it was going out of business). I also remember a Community on Grand and Narragansett before the Brickyard was Built.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
11 years ago
According to a Tribune article,when Prosser Vocational School moved into the old Hanson Park School in 1959,the building was 41 years old, which would mean it was built in 1918. Apparently when the new Hanson Park School was being built, there was a controversy over the School name. The school board wanted to rename the school after PaulDrymalski, a former city treasurer and member of the schoolbo
Forum: Forgotten Chicago Sightings
11 years ago
Does anyone remember Lindahl construction on Clybourn Ave. My family lived in the 2400 block of Clybourn in the 1970's and I remember there was something with Lindahl next door to us.I don't know if it was the main office or a storage yard. I found a website on them, but could not find anything on Clybourn. The company is now in Bensenville on Green Street and have seen it on Bing and google maps.
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Deejo, I was looking on Bing maps and I think I pinpointed it too. Thank God for Bing maps and Google street view.:)
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
12 years ago
Dunning1, I grew up in the same neighborhood as your grandmother did. I live in Rockford now, but I grew up in the Hermosa neighborhood.I lived on Kenneth and then the 2100 block of Kostner and I would like to go back and see how it has changed. My grandfather used to take me to Radioland all the time, and later my friends and I bought baseball and football cards there.There was a hot dog stand a
Forum: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
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