Photographer Hans Myelund
Date: January 21, 2012 02:00PM
I am a danish genealogist searching for a family branch in America. I was told that a person of my family, a descendant of my great-great-grandparents emigrated to Chicago around 1900, maybe before. He was in Denmark called Hans Jensen and his father was Anders Jensen of Mylund in northern Denmark. The family was often just called Mylund, so I was told that Hans called himself Hans Mylund og maybee rather Hans Myelund in Chicago. I was told that he was a fairly reknown photographer in Chicago in those days.
I can't find anything about him. Does anybody in Chicago know anything of him or howe I could 'chase him down'? I tried the site Encyclopedia of Chicago History, mad by the Historical Society, - and he was not mentioned.
Thank you in advance
Lars Kjærgaard
Århus, Denmark