Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: mah381 ()
Date: July 31, 2011 04:16AM


Does anyone know anything about the apparently abandoned ballfields at the southeast corner of 73rd Street and Kostner Avenue?

They are located just north of the Solo Cup factory, just east of the Tootsie Roll factory in the Ford City area. I came across them while looking at aerial photos of the Ford City area. On Historic Aerials they first appear in 1988, they are there in 1998, but by the 2002 photo they look abandoned. They are almost completely overgrown in the 2007 photo. The Bing bird's eye view shows the remnants of outfield and backstop fences, dugouts, and a small building on 73rd. There are three ballfields.

Just curious. Thanks.

Re: Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: jak378 ()
Date: August 01, 2011 08:01PM

Removed by writer, duplicate post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2011 01:16PM by jak378.

Re: Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: jak378 ()
Date: August 01, 2011 08:01PM

These are the old Ford City Little League fields. I am pretty sure that they were there before 1988, at least by 5-10 years or so. I know I managed rival teams there, and judging by my son's age that would have been around 1992 or so. I'm sure that league no longer exists, but I don't know when they stopped.

Re: Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: Deejo ()
Date: August 02, 2011 03:52AM


Re: Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: wow1029 ()
Date: August 02, 2011 12:34PM

Scottsdale Ford City Little League(SFC) they went under due to the fact that the area had changed(for the worst) & many kids who had played there had moved away.Solo Cup had donated the extra land for the kids.Originally Ford City Little League was @ 76th Pulaski.Rd/Ford City Drive until Daley College kicked them out.Bogan Youth Baseball Association briefly played there.Scottsdale Little League played on 79th Cicero where Goldblatts went in then moved off 83rd Cicero.When Ford City & Scottsdale merged they were SFC.Now the kids play either @ Burbank American Little League or Scottsdale Durkin baseball where ironically another league Crestline Little League had gone to play after CPD kicked out the league from 79th Throop Rainey Park.

Re: Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: jak378 ()
Date: August 02, 2011 01:20PM

Thanks WOW1029. I was pretty sure that this had been addressed previously, but I couldn't find it. I had totally forgotten about the other locations.

Re: Abandoned ballfields SE corner of 73rd and Kostner?
Posted by: mah381 ()
Date: August 03, 2011 08:13AM

Thank you. I apologize for the duplicate question. I did not see that this question had been addressed before.

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