yoyo contest

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yoyo contest
Posted by: bob427 ()
Date: September 27, 2014 08:46PM

i grew up around talman and wabansia in the 60s.

once every week or two this guy from Duncan would

have a contest. He would show us a easy trick to do.

The 1st one was easy,.useley it was walk the dog.

THEy GOT HARDER as it went on,If you miss you were out.

The winner got a new yoyo. The others got a pkg. of strings..

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Re: yoyo contest
Posted by: Mornac ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:49PM

In the 60's there was a candy store near our school called "Roy's Corner" (unofficially, I think) at the corner of Granville and Greenview. Once a year the Duncan yoyo guy would show up there to show off his stuff and hawk yoyos. A few years later, I met a friend of an older guy in the neighborhood who had been a Duncan yoyo champ. (I think all the demo guys wore the designation "champ"). By the time I met him, he was a consummate alcoholic and drug user who died before he was 30. It was one of too many shocking stories that I can recall about those who fell victim to the cultural upheaval of that era.

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