Metropolitan Elevated loop connector remnants
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Date: October 12, 2013 02:48PM
I took a look through Google Maps/Street View this morning to see if I could find any remainder of the old L connection between the Met mainline and the Loop, between Halsted and Wells. I already knew about the remaining substation on Franklin, but I did find something new. On the east side of Jefferson between Jackson and Van Buren, the facade of a demolished building remains at the street, sticking off the northeast corner of the adjacent building and serving as an entrance to the parking lot behind it. The facade is old, and low in height, it looks extremely akin to other old under-the-L buildings. The sidewalk in front of the facade has four square concrete patches that look like caps poured over the severed connections where the elevated structure's columns would have fallen. Does anyone know if these are in fact L remnants, and if so, was this former building another substation, or something else?