Re: Ardmore & Melvina
Date: August 06, 2013 11:21AM
Thank You PK! I found the article, and I would like to use the word unbelievable, but this is is Chicago so nothing is too hard to believe. Part of the headline, reads Solution Baffles the City?
So we have a known hazard that goes all the way back to 1893, and was written up in the paper in 1955. Here we are in 2013 and the "City That Works" sees no problem or hurry in fixing it.
The article indicates that the problem is that Motor vehicle tax money could not be used and the property owners would need to be assessed.
So in 68 years, a proposal could not be passed changing a law to allow the money to be used on a non arterial street and the city cannot or will not force an assessment!!!!!!
This is the same city that was able to send bulldozers and tear up Meigs field overnight. This is the same city that you would have to think over the last 68 years must have had equipment repaving Ardmore and Melvina but could not tear up a grass strip!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a city that is not shy about raising sales taxes, doubling our water bills, annually raising the property tax for schools and if you read the Tribune will soon be raisng our property taxes due to a 1 BILLION shortfall, but they could not find the money to pave a one block section.
We deserve what we get by accepting and voting in the politicians we do!