Re: Duke News Agency-Belmont & Wolcott 1964-65
Posted by:
Date: January 28, 2012 01:01AM
I know you won't believe this, I worked at LaManna's Drugs. It was 1968, part of 1969. I know I didn't work there long before I took the job at the Ace Hardware. Joe LaManna was mad at me for quiting, but Ace paid mimimun wage. Joe didn't. I went to 8th grade at St. Gregs but went to Amundsen High. Class of 73'. I don't remember Mark at the moment working at Ace. I know Ann and Lo owned it, there was Gordi the mamager of the store. Everitt a short guy, like 5'3". Harry, Ed Taylor, and Otto as well. There was other guys working there but I don't remember there names. Ed quit and was replaced by someone. The year was around 1972. I think Harry finnally got fired by Ann for being "bombed" on the job and fighting with custormers. As for the dog, I thought a young guy owned it, who lived a few doors north of your cousins house in the apartment building. It has been a long time ago and I am remebering things now that we are talking about it. Your right about LaManna's, Even in 72', I was in LaMannas. What was the name of the other pharmist? Do you recall. I just loved working the soda fountain.
By the way, did Mark have a purple Pontiac car when he worked there?