North Lawndale
Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: cleeks (
Date: November 11, 2010 01:17PM

@ Berwyn Frank:
The K-Town section of North Lawndale (Pulaski - Kostner, Cermak - Cullerton) was just listed on the National Register. There will be a signing ceremony on Saturday (Nov. 13th @ 10:30 AM) at the John Hus Memorial Building on Cermak. I know it is short notice, but it would be great if you could attend.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: November 20, 2010 09:31PM

Let me start my updates on North Lawndale with a neat ghost sign. This one is on the side of this neat old graystone store front building at 1528 S. Kedzie Ave. It's not the best picture but it advertises Cigars, Tobacco, & Pipes.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: November 20, 2010 10:08PM

The next thing I wanted to mention is in reference to Mr. Charles Leeks post at the top of this page. He and his group Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago worked very hard to get the area known as "K-Town" on the National Register of Historic Places. If you don't know, this is a very involved task and quite an accomplishment for a neighborhood. The area on the register encompasses 16 city blocks from Pulaski to Kostner and Culerton to Cermak Rd. All the streets in this few block area go east and west as opposed to the usual north and south Chicago streets.

This particular area was built up from around 1900 until about 1915 or so. It has a very interesting array of styles in Chicago area architecture including graystone and brownstone two flats, graystone flat roof "cottage style" single family homes, to other red brick style cottages, to even a few 1920s era bungalows and two flats.

The area was originally populated by Bohemians, even well into the 1940s when the rest of North Lawndale had been predominantly Jewish. This part of North Lawndale is now African American and has been remarkably preserved. You will find few if any vacant lots.

[url=]More history here.[/url]

I have quite a few vintage images of this part of the neighborhood in my collection, here are just a couple circa 1910. The first one is 21st St. W. of Karlov in the 4100 block. The second is Cullerton west of Pulaski.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2010 11:38PM by Berwyn Frank.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: November 20, 2010 10:20PM

The next bit of news is not so good. During a conversation I had with Mr. Leeks he regretfully informed me the former Hebrew Theological College had been razed about a month ago. The building located at Douglas Blvd. & St. Louis, which was owned by the City of Chicago, was in severe disrepair. The front of the building which was constructed in 1922 was falling away from the back of the building which served as the colleges library built in 1929-1930. The city put bracing against the front of the building so it would not fall and injure someone. There were talks of repurposing the building but in this economy those ideas proved to be unsuccessful. The bottom line is there is another Chicago landmark gone forever. Here is a photo of the building.

Here is a photo I took today.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2010 10:27PM by Berwyn Frank.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: November 21, 2010 03:10AM

Some more bad news as far as losing historic buildings is concerned. Mr. Leeks also informed me that this VERY interesting "castle like" building was also razed at 1322 S. Independence Blvd. The building which more recently housed the Peace Missionary Baptist Church has always been one of my favorites. A while back a portion of the castellated top corner of the building collapsed. Then I believe there was a fire. I saw the building borded up for a while and it was finally razed a couple of weeks ago.

In severe disrepair.

Reduced to a pile of dirt.

I did a little research last night trying to find out who originally owned it. When I find out more I will update this thread.

The man who originally had the home built sometime shortly before 1910 was James J. Schruta. He was a Bohemian who moved to Lawndale from the Pilsen neighborhood at 21st & Hoyne where he owned a small Tea store as early as 1898. He and his wife Mary had a couple of daughters. By 1910 Mr. Schruta was living at 1322 S. Independence Blvd. and worked for the City of Chicago as a "side walk inspector." (Can you believe that?) In 1928 he and other alleged "ghost payrollers" were under scrutiny by the media and public because of the ghost payrolling and the fact that he was being paid $190 per month to inspect sidewalks which the public believed was a patronage job created for political insiders. Many of these people were fired from their jobs, but I am unsure if Mr. Schruta made the cut. James J. Schruta died in April 1941 and was waked in his home on Independence Blvd.. They had a funeral ceremony at St. Finbarr Catholic Church on 14th & Harding and he was buried at St. Aldabert Cemetary.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2010 01:52PM by Berwyn Frank.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: 222psm (
Date: November 21, 2010 09:08PM

Very cool pics and information Berwyn Frank, keep it coming!

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: cleeks (
Date: November 21, 2010 11:31PM

Frank, thanks for this excellent information. I will certainly pass it along, and I know the folks in K-Town will find the photos exciting.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: November 22, 2010 02:47AM

Great! thanks Mr. Leeks!

Ok, I got some more info on the "castle house" at 1322 S. Independence Blvd. James J. Schruta WAS in fact a Bohemian and he definitely owned the house. I updated the post above with the story of Mr. Schruta.

1322 S. Independence Blvd. was designed by Bohemian Chicago architect James B. Dibelka who designed many other buildings in Lawndale and other Czech Chicago neighborhoods. Mr. Dibelka was involved in other large scale projects in and around Chicago and even served as the state architect for Illinois from 1913-1917. He designed several buildings at the University of Illinois and designed the Illinois building at the San Francisco exposition which won him the international medal of architecture. Mr. Dibelka lived at 2331 S. Lawndale Ave. and died in 1925. He is buried at Bohemian National Cemetery.

I will post more as I learn it. Special thanks go to my friend Pepe for lending me her expert research skills

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2010 08:33PM by Berwyn Frank.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: cleeks (
Date: November 22, 2010 11:37AM

Frank, please take a look at the North Lawndale blog I'm attempting to develop.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: November 22, 2010 08:52AM

Mr. Leeks, I spent a while looking at your blog this morining and I love it!

Mr. Leeks has some photos posted in his blog of the Hebrew Theological Colleges demolition. Check them out.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: March 08, 2011 11:02PM

I noticed that this thread has the second most views on this site with the ghost stories thread in first place! So with that said I want to keep it going with more on North Lawndale.....

I took a few pictures the other day and thought this was kind of neat. When you look at some of the businesses in North Lawndale one might think they were on the Mississippi Delta. There are a few bait and tackle shops and here is a corner store at 1457 S. Pulaski. I wonder what Mississippi sausage, "rag balogna," and country ham are? Also notice the little blurb painted on the wall for "human hair."

(click to enlarge)

[URL=] [/URL]

It's a shame because every time I go back the neighborhood is falling more and more apart. Here is a house that I spotted in its final stages of life. There are MANY like this, some are even leaning over ready to collapse.

[URL=] [/URL]

Some residents are trying hard to keep what little they have together.

[URL=] [/URL]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2011 11:49PM by Berwyn Frank.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: March 08, 2011 11:10PM

Here is a VERY bad photo of an ancient house at 1334 S. Karlov.

[URL=] [/URL]

Since I am an outsider, there were just to many people outside for me to stop and get out. I have always kept my eye on this house. The exterior is a literal time capsule. I would LOVE to see what the inside looks like. Here is a Cook County Assessor shot of it.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: midgedear (
Date: March 08, 2011 11:14PM

Probably one of the most beautiful houses on the block in its day. Sure hope someone finds this treasure and makes it shine again. Sometimes I believe, the folks that live in it do care, they just either can't do anything about it or can't afford to.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: March 08, 2011 11:47PM

Here is a mystery some friends of mine and myself have been working on at Friends of Bohemian National Cemetery. A woman submitted this photo to us and wondered what it was. She comes from a Bohemian family that lived in the "Merigold" section of North Lawndale that I describe in the first post of this thread. After some digging we were able to unravel the mystery. Here are Kacena's Night Owls. The woman's grandfather was one of the men in the group and lived a block over from Kacena's Saloon.

[URL=] [/URL]

We discovered that Joseph Kacena was a Bohemian saloon keeper who had his saloon at the corner of 15th & Kedvale (4144 W. 15th St.) in the Merigold neighborhood. Odds are that they had the saloon open from the early 1900s (at least from 1910) and lived in the building until 1959 after the neighborhood had already changed. Joseph Kacena had a son Joseph Jr. (1885-1947), who would later became the 23rd ward alderman in Chicago covering Merigold and part of what is now Little Village around 26th & Pulaski. Kacena was from the old school of "Saloon Keeper Alderman" and was alderman from 1935 until he was defeated in 1947. He died a few months later. His widow lived in the building until her death in 1959.

23rd Ward Alderman Joseph Kacena Jr.

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The corner saloon building still stands but sadly it looks like it's finished. I am sure I will come and report to you soon that the building has fallen victim to the City of Chicago demolition unit. Ironicly the front of the abandoned building has posters attached to it for candidates for Chicago Alderman.

[URL=] [/URL]

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Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2011 05:25AM by Berwyn Frank.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: kgamb (
Date: March 09, 2011 01:58AM

Wow, Berwyn Frank! I just found this thread and am now fascinated with North Lawndale because of your great background. I especially enjoyed seeing the old photo (and new one from your car) of the school Frantisek Palacky. How sad to see it through an old gate and trees in dire need of trimming. I'd give anything to see the inside of that place!

Thanks again!

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: 222psm (
Date: March 09, 2011 12:30PM

Thank you so much for posting these wonderful pics and taking the time to drive around to take them. Plus, the research you do, I have learned so much more of Chicago history since I joined FC than I did when I lived there! Truly a wonderful group of people here!

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: daveg (130.36.62.---)
Date: March 09, 2011 01:48PM

Couldn't have said it any better 222psm.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Berwyn Frank (
Date: March 09, 2011 02:08PM

Thanks for the nice comments. Some of this takes time so it reassures me when I hear that people enjoy reading it.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: Patti (
Date: March 09, 2011 02:52PM

Wow, great thread and thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures. I lived in that area (Between 14th and 16th on Springfield, Avers, Pulaski, and later Kostner) for many years. I do remember block busting but didn't know about the book. Very enlightening and a pleasure to read the posts of all who have contributed to this thread.

Re: North Lawndale
Posted by: yuanyelss (
Date: March 18, 2011 05:20AM

I like this site, I learned a lot about Chicago. My father was 16 at the Hotpoint factory in the vicinity of Laramie in the late 50's back to the late 60s, he told me, when he drove from the east, Roosevelt Road to and from work...

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