St George German Catholic Church
St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 15, 2015 01:25PM

not sure why so hard to find photos of "old" Catholic Churches that have been torn down....anyone know of site to view them...I am looking for photos of St George located on South Wentworth Ave and 39th (3924 South Wentworth) thanks Bill Arthofer

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: March 15, 2015 04:04PM

Is this the church?

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 15, 2015 04:10PM

Yes this is the Church, all this info and no photos bummer. thanks

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: March 15, 2015 04:21PM

Now I know that I have the right location, I will see if I can find anything else.

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 15, 2015 04:37PM

thanks so very much

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: March 15, 2015 05:11PM

Was there a grammar and high school here as well Bill?

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 15, 2015 05:20PM

yes there was a grammar school but I do not think a high school.

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: rjmachon (
Date: March 15, 2015 05:24PM

I will check and let you know what I find. Being that the church was demolished in 1969 I wonder how many pictures are around.

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 15, 2015 06:02PM

thanks so much, the archietect Adolphus Druiding is very well known but of the 4 built in Chicago only 1 has photos, sad to say...

St. Hyacinth Church Chicago, IL (first church constructed in 1895 and replaced by much larger church by Worthmann and Steinbach)
St. George Church, Chicago, IL
St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, IL has PHOTOS
St. Hedwig Church, Chicago, IL

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: PKDickman (
Date: March 15, 2015 07:11PM

billyfrank Wrote:
> thanks so much, the archietect Adolphus Druiding
> is very well known but of the 4 built in Chicago
> only 1 has photos, sad to say...
> Illinois
> St. Hyacinth Church Chicago, IL (first church
> constructed in 1895 and replaced by much larger
> church by Worthmann and Steinbach)
> St. George Church, Chicago, IL
> St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, IL has PHOTOS
> St. Hedwig Church, Chicago, IL
> thanks

St, Hedwig's is still there, and it's not hard to find photos.
[url=]St. Hedwig[/url]

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: PKDickman (
Date: March 15, 2015 07:34PM

Here's a photo of St. George, while being demolished.
[url=]Trib shot St. Geo demo[/url]

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 15, 2015 08:43PM

PK thanks was not expecting a demo pic , still hope that one turns up. thanks Bill

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: Eric F (
Date: March 16, 2015 03:48PM

This book The community of Fuller Park : those were the days my friends by Rudolph Unger has a photo of the interior of St George as well as nearby St Cecilia.

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 16, 2015 05:00PM

wow Eric your the first that has a hit of "anything" photos of St George. I live in Tampa (from south-side Chicago), this book out of print.....paperback around $100, would you be able to send me copy of this pic of the interior ? my email I know it is a lot to ask, thanks so very much Bill Arthofer

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: Dunning1 (
Date: March 16, 2015 05:30PM

Hmm..must be another Burgenlander. My dad's family was from Burgenland, but immigrated earlier than most of the Fuller Park people, and I only found out about the Fuller Park community in the last few years. I do have the Unger book too, but our church was St. Philomena on the North Side.

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 16, 2015 05:42PM

Afternoon, Bill here. Yes on the north side there were 2 Catholic Churches one was St Aloysius and the other St Philomena. On the south side was St George, St Martin and St Augustine. Most on the north side were from Hannersdorf, Wopppendorf , Badersdorf and Burg....south side Grosspetersdorf, Mischendorf, Kleinpetersdorf. Of course tons of smaller villages, and many Lutheran people also. I have one cousin (Nun) that still lives on N Oakley Blvd across the street from St Aloysius Church, lives in convent Josephium. My family tree on ancestry has tons of family from both north and south sides. Bill Arthofer

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: Eric F (
Date: March 16, 2015 05:57PM

Let me see if I can copy it from the book at my local library and then I could try and post it. St George's parishoners according to the author were almost entirely Austrians from Burgenland, though many of the priests and nuns were not. St Augustine also had quite a few Burgenlanders along with Bavarians.

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 16, 2015 06:16PM

thanks so very much, I am crossing my fingers !!! Yes St George was on 39th Street and St Martin was on 59th Street...this area was called "Klein-Burgenland", then St Augustine on 51st Laflin became Austrian also, but never as much as St George. My parents married married St.A's but when my uncle/aunt came to Chicago in 1909 rented an apartment in St George's parish but by 1918 lived in St.A's....thanks again Bill Arthofer

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: bowler (
Date: March 16, 2015 08:14PM

I'm assuming this is not the church, St. George Catholic Church. It's located nearby in Bridgeport:!/ll/41.8346824645996,-87.6486206054688/id/5917/info/details/zoom/18/

Re: St George German Catholic Church
Posted by: billyfrank (
Date: March 16, 2015 08:30PM

thanks, that is correct this is another St George. again thanks a lot for looking Bill Arthofer

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