Snacktime restaurant
Snacktime restaurant
Posted by: Northwestsidegal (
Date: September 11, 2014 03:35PM

I remember Snacktime restaurant. I worked for Gus for four years. Some of the best years of my life! I remember grandpa Gus...He was always nice to me and the customers. Sometimes I wish that I could have worked there forever that is how much I loved working there.

Anyone know if Gus and his wife are around, and working a restaurant or retired by now I would think. I worked there when I was 18 to 22, Now I am 69 can you believe it! Me either!

They made the best dod ever. I loved the cofee and the rice pudding. It helped me fee my children and I for those four wonderful years.

Re: Snacktime restaurant
Posted by: Dunning1 (
Date: September 11, 2014 05:11PM

Grandpa Gus was my grandfather, and either my mother or myself would drop him off at the restaurant every afternoon. Gus would drop him off again in the morning. My grandfather was actually Gus's uncle as Gus's father died back in the late 1930's. My grandfather died back in February 1971 and our connection with the Snacktime people became more distant. Gus sold the restaurant at Cicero and Fullerton, and bought another restaurant, Super Cup, at Lawrence and Central. He and his son Petey ran it for quite a few years, but eventually sold it. I believe it has gone through several owners since. Both Gus and June have now passed on. Gus died about four or five years ago after taking a bad fall, and June passed away about a year ago. Gus's step daughter, June's daughter, and her husband used to live next door to me in my grandfather's old house, but they moved out several years ago and I have lost contact with them.

Re: Snacktime restaurant
Posted by: Chipast (
Date: September 22, 2014 04:38PM

With the area & time changes. Things unfortunately don't take a turn for the better at many times, I guess. Somehow, That place looked like a comfort zone. For a snack of kaffeeklatch.

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