St. Sabina's and nearby
Re: St. Sabina's and nearby
Posted by: TomH (147.126.81.---)
Date: September 25, 2014 07:51PM

Starting at 79th and Throop and going west to Loomis, on the south side of 79th Street was the Music Box, a store that sold records, on the southwest corner. (There had previously been a small grocery store there.) Next to it were 2 small stores, then there was a rather large non-chain grocery store, called Kalk’s, which was run at that time by Seymour Kalk, the son of Al Kalk, who had founded a grocery store along 79th Street in that neighborhood decades earlier. Kalk’s later took over and merged with the meat market next door, enlarging the premises to one larger store. There were many other stores along the blocks between Throop and Ada and Loomis. One of them was an early laundromat. Another was one of the first stores in the neighborhood to sell pizza; I think that later there was a store (maybe in the same location) that sold fried fish and other food, mostly for take-out.

On the north side of 79th Street and again going west to Loomis, there was a large 2-story building on the northwest corner of 79th and Throop, which housed a bowling alley on the second floor. There may have been an ice cream shop on the ground floor. A little further along were stores like Rausch’s flowers, Ann Liston’s children’s clothing, and Costello’s bar (which was a rougher place than most in the neighborhood, attracting a lot of recent Irish immigrants). I don’t have any clear recollection of what stores were on the north side of 79th between Ada and Loomis, except for a drug store on the northeast corner of 79th and Loomis.

Re: St. Sabina's and nearby
Posted by: mikbasile (
Date: October 03, 2014 01:31AM

There was a Bulko gas station on 79th and Elizabeth,when we lived there in 1967,there still was a small prairie to the east then a dime store .We lived in the corner house behind Bulkos Gas station.We could see St Sabinas church from our backyard. During the blizzard in 1067 we could not get oil for our furnace even though we had the alley along the north side of our house. The snow was too deep for the oil truck.

Re: St. Sabina's and nearby
Posted by: Dennis Hedigan (
Date: December 02, 2014 01:29AM

I lived in the St Sabina parish in the 1950's at the Sunny Court Apartments 7928 S. Laflin and remember many of the places that others have posted about. I remember the Highland Theathre, Rexal and Walgreens Durg Stores, especially the soda fountain at Walgreens, best chocolate and cherry cokes ever, best Green River as well. Also remember Gossage Grill and Prior Car lot on Ashland. My first taste of "fast food" was White Casle at 79th & Loomis. My Dad worked at Ford Aircraft, now where Ford City is. There was a pizza place on Ashland just south of 79th, think it was called Vallentino's. Also remember Frank's Department Store closer to Halsted on 79at, as well as the Capital Theathre on Halsted. There is a Capital Theathre where I live now in Clearwater Florida, went to a concert there last week and and ihat brought back memories of the Captal on Halsted. Also remember playing in Foster Park and went to school at Cook School. Also have memories of Havl's, Widens Bakery. While I have left the old neighborhood, the old neighborhood never left me.

Re: St. Sabina's and nearby
Posted by: SouthSide41 (
Date: February 20, 2015 02:09PM

Eugene Parker (RIP) was one of my best Quigley Prep friends. Thanks for sharing.

Jim O'Neil QPS '60

Re: St. Sabina's and nearby
Posted by: NipTu (
Date: February 23, 2015 11:10PM

Remember Hanley's House of Happiness on 79th street.
Does anyone remember a bar on the north side of the street east of Ashland on 79th?
It had green shamrocks in the bricks on the front of the bar.

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